タイトルにある3つの方法とは,①読みたい洋書の翻訳を手に入れる。②読みたい洋書の音声を手に入れる③何回も出てくる表現に下線を引く という3点の方法論です。
1. so as to / in order for O to do 目的を表す表現。
2.enable O to do / be able to 可能を表す表現。able系の表現はtoと相性がいい。
3.much need for / the need for
4.so ~ that can 因果関係を表す表現。中学校で習う基本的な構文。
5. I think that /We think that 思考を表す表現。
6. ,including / ,such as /for example/for instace 具体例を表す表現。
7.make it possible for O to do 可能を表す表現。
8.名詞 related to / 名詞 closely related to 関係を表す表現。
9.to the point where
10. 名詞 associated with 関係を表す表現。
11.correspond to / corresponding to 対応関係を表す表現。
12. ,that is, / that is to say 言い換えを表す表現。
13.a big impact on / a big problem /a big opportunity / big advantages / big gains / big leaps / a big international project / a big breakthrough /big history 形容詞のbigを使った表現。
14. the fact that /by the fact that 事実をthat以下で表す表現。同格のthat..
15.the main reason why / the reason for this / one reason for / There is no obvious reason why / Another reason why /There are at least two reasons why / there is a reason for / have strong reason to do 理由を表す表現。
16.not only A but also B /not only because but also because
17. , in principle , 原則を表す表現。後続の文章で原則修正するような文が出現することが多い。
18.much more than / even better / much faster 比較級を強調する語句
19. a wide range of / a much wider range of / a wide variety of / a very wide range of
20.rely on / relies more on / relies less on / rely entire on / reliance on /depend on / depends more on
21.not ~rather / not ~ but 否定的な表現をしたあと主張を展開するために用いられる表現。Ratherが文頭にきて大文字の場合もある。
22. take advantage of 利用を表す表現。
23.is led to / lead to / leads to / lead us to / leading to 因果関係を表す表現。
24. allow O to do / allowing O to do 許可を表す表現。
25.well-resourced 名詞 / well-specified 名詞 / well-funded 名詞
26.and so forth / and so on
27.is determined by
28.with regard to / with resppect to / in terms of
29.As earlier chapters revealed , / as suggested earlier / as discussed earlier
30.the study of how S V / the study of how to do
31.over the course of this century / over the course of millisecond
32.extremely early / exceedingly difficult / quite possibly / quite difficult 副詞を使って形容詞を強調する。この表現を抑えることによって副詞は形容詞を修飾するということを意識づけることができるであろう。
33.during the time that この句を覚えていれば,duringが前置詞であることを忘れないだろう。何か英語の試験で役立つかもしれない。
34. , say ,
35.relatively law
36.remarks about
37.mean that
38. the extent to which / the degree to which /to the extent that
39.focus on problems that
41.care about
42.something else / something important
43.a colleague of mine / a friend of mine
44. on the other hand 対比を表す表現。
45.a case based on / a programm based on
46. let us send / let us start / let us note / let us examine
47.I am thankful to 人の名前 / I am grateful to 人の名前
48.prevent O from ~ing fromの後がingであることを覚えておくと前置詞の後の動詞はingにしなければならないことを忘れない。
49. At that time
50. than it is today
51. continues to grow / continue to fall
52.the rate of growth
53.view ~ as / can be viewed as
54. a widely used
55. whether or not
56.turned out to be achivable
57.as well as
58.be endowed with / endow A with B
59.in the late 1950s
60.according to /accroding to our data,
61.in relation to
62. It now seems clear that
63.from here to there
64.appears to be
65.opinions about
66.by the end of the year
67.thoroughout history,
68,a high probability that
69.need to insure that
70.at the time
71.It is important to
72.a question that
<現在表現を追加中 1000表現追加する。>