
My favorite shoes "J.M. Weston 180” English version

I love the J.M. Weston 180.
I like to collect shoes of my favorite type in different colors and materials, and I have 10 pairs of this shoe.
The beauty of this shoe is its form. The form is really cool. Especially when seen from above. The fit to the foot is also good. Because of this completed form, there is a wide range of leathers that can be used. It is a wonder that even peculiar exotic leathers such as alligator and lizard leathers become less rugged and more cute when worn with the 180. I had avoided buying 180s because they were such a classic, but one day I went to a store and tried them on. When I put them on and looked at them from above, I noticed how wonderful the form was. When I bought them and tried them on, they were even more wonderful. It made me think that a classic is a classic for a reason. Anyway, the Loafer 180's are the best!

Beautiful blue 180Blue and black calf and blue calf and blue fandango (grained calf)
brown lizard
180 fun to look at side by side.Top row from left to right: blue and black calf, brown alligator, black crocodilebottom row from left to right: brown lizard, brown alligator and calf, burgundy calf
