「原告には自分たち以外に責任があるわけではないので、Klu KluxKlanの服を着た抗議者の訴訟は決して提起されるべきではありませんでした。原告は、平和的に抗議するのではなく、日中、Klu Klux Klanのローブとフードを身に着けて、5番街のトランプタワーへの入り口を塞いで群衆を怒らせようとしました。治安部隊が状況を悪化させようとしたとき、残念ながら彼らは原告自身からの罵倒と暴力に遭遇した。これを見て、今日の私の証言録取の前に、裁判所は原告の主張のほとんどすべてを却下しました。彼ら。何年にもわたる訴訟の後、私はこのばかげた話の私の側を話す機会があったことを嬉しく思います。あなたの好きな大統領への根拠のない嫌がらせのもう1つの例です。」 —ドナルド・J・トランプ
“The Klu Klux Klan dressed protester case should have never been brought as the plaintiffs have no one to blame but themselves. Rather than protest peacefully, the plaintiffs intentionally sought to rile up a crowd by blocking the entrance to Trump Tower on 5th Avenue, in the middle of the day, wearing Klu Klux Klan robes and hoods. When security tried to deescalate the situation, they were unfortunately met with taunts and violence from the plaintiffs themselves. Seeing this for what it is, prior to my deposition today, the Court dismissed almost all of the plaintiffs’ claims—except for a baseless claim for injuries they never suffered, and the temporary loss of a worthless cardboard sign which was soon thereafter returned to them. After years of litigation, I was pleased to have had the opportunity to tell my side of this ridiculous story—Just one more example of baseless harassment of your favorite President.” — Donald J. Trump