⚠️ユーチューブはフェイクニュースの主要な拠点 - ファクトチェッカーズ⚠️インフルエンサーに注意
ユーチューブはフェイクニュースの主要な拠点 - ファクトチェッカーズ
WaPo(ワシントンポスト)と英国のFull Fact(フルファクト/ロンドン拠点のファクトチェック慈善団体)は、ユーチューブが米国2020年の選挙の際に「コビッドの誤報 」と「詐欺物語」を抑制することに失敗したと主張する80以上のグループのうちの1つです。
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📌YouTube Major Hub for Fake News - factcheckers
The video streaming platform has been accused of failing to sufficiently tackle the spread of falsehoods, according to a global fact-checking coalition.
WaPo and the UK's Full Fact are among 80+ groups claiming YT has failed to curb 'Covid misinformation' and the "fraud narrative" during the US 2020 elex.
The letter states YouTube is a "major conduit" of fake news and has been "weaponized" to manipulate others - especially in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The Google-owned site has been urged to fund research into so-called disinformation campaigns, to provide links inside video dubbed fake, to tweak its algorithms to stop repeat offenders, and tackle non-English language content.
YouTube's claimed heavy investment has been made in removing dangerous content. Last year it purged RT's German language channel, 'Let's Go Brandon' video content, and clamped down on scientists disagreeing with govt health advisers.
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