最初に `Application.ScreenUpdating = False` という命令で、処理中に画面が更新されないようにします。これは、作業が終わるまで画面のちらつきを抑えて、動作を速くするためです。正規表現オブジェクトの作成
次に、正規表現を使うためのオブジェクトを2つ作成します。1つは単価用、もう1つは数量用です。正規表現とは、特定の文字列パターンを検索するための方法です。単価を探す正規表現のパターンは `\d+(?=円 ×)` です。これは「円 ×」という表記の前にある数字を探します。
数量を探す正規表現のパターンは `\d+(?=個 =)` です。これは「個 =」という表記の前にある数字を探します。
全ての作業が終わったら、`Application.ScreenUpdating = True` で画面更新を再開します。
Sub ネットスーパーの明細から単価と数量をぬきだすよ()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim regTan As Object, regCon As Object
Set regTan = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") '単価用オブジェクト作成
Set regCon = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") '数量用のオブジェクト作成
Dim myRng As Range
Dim txt, txt2 As String
Dim match, match2 As Object
Dim i, i2 As Long
With regTan
.Pattern = "\d+(?=円 ×)"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
With regCon
.Pattern = "\d+(?=個 =)"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
On Error Resume Next
For Each myRng In Selection
txt = myRng.Value
Set match = regTan.Execute(txt)
For i = 1 To match.count
myRng.Offset(0, i).Value = regTan.Replace(match(i - 1).Value, "")
Next i
Set match2 = regCon.Execute(txt)
For i2 = 1 To match2.count
myRng.Offset(0, i2 + 1).Value = regCon.Replace(match2(i2 - 1).Value, "")
Next i2
Next myRng
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
#excel #できること #vba #ネットスーパー #明細抽出 #単価 #数量 #正規表現 #自動化 #データ抽出 #作業効率化 #セル操作 #範囲選択 #オフセット #スクリーン更新 #パターン検索 #VBScript #Rangeオブジェクト #商品明細 #VBAマクロ
English Translation
Extract Unit Price and Quantity from Online Supermarket Details
This explanation is created using ChatGPT.
This procedure automatically extracts the unit price and quantity from "online supermarket details" entered in an Excel sheet and displays them in the adjacent cells. Below is an easy-to-understand explanation of how it works.
Program Flow
Screen Update Suspension
First, the command `Application.ScreenUpdating = False` prevents the screen from updating during processing. This reduces flickering and speeds up the process until all operations are complete.Creating Regular Expression Objects
Next, two objects for regular expressions are created: one for unit price and one for quantity. Regular expressions are used to search for specific patterns in text.The regular expression pattern to find the unit price is `\d+(?=円 ×)`, which looks for numbers preceding "円 ×".
The regular expression pattern to find the quantity is `\d+(?=個 =)`, which looks for numbers preceding "個 =".
Checking Cell Values
The program checks the contents of each cell in the selected range (`Selection`). It reads the text (details) in the cell and uses regular expressions to search for unit price and quantity.Extracted Values Input into Adjacent Cells
The found unit price and quantity are automatically written into adjacent cells. The first regular expression finds the unit price and places it in the cell one column to the right. Then, the quantity is found and placed two columns to the right.Screen Update Resumption
After all operations are complete, the screen is updated again with `Application.ScreenUpdating = True`.
This program is a handy tool that automatically detects and displays the "unit price" and "quantity" from the details entered in Excel. Using this macro can significantly reduce the time spent manually entering prices and quantities.
#excel #capabilities #vba #onlineSupermarket #detailsExtraction #unitPrice #quantity #regex #automation #dataExtraction #workEfficiency #cellOperations #rangeSelection #offset #screenUpdating #patternMatching #VBScript #RangeObject #itemDetails #VBAMacro