このプロシージャは、住所が入っているセルの内容を確認し、その住所がどの地域に該当するかを判断して、隣の列に地域名を書き出すものです。たとえば、「東京都」 という住所がセルに入っていたら、隣の列には「関東甲信」というエリア名が表示されます。
Sub 住所からエリア名を隣列にだすよ地方季節予報区分版()
Dim regEx As Object
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Dim myRng As Range
Dim areaPatterns As Variant
Dim areaNames As Variant
Dim i As Integer
' エリアごとの正規表現パターン
areaPatterns = Array( _
"(北海道)", _
"(青森県|岩手県|宮城県|秋田県|山形県|福島県)", _
"(茨城県|栃木県|群馬県|埼玉県|千葉県|東京都|神奈川県|山梨県|長野県)", _
"(新潟県|富山県|石川県|福井県)", _
"(岐阜県|静岡県|愛知県|三重県)", _
"(滋賀県|京都府|大阪府|兵庫県|奈良県|和歌山県)", _
"(鳥取県|島根県|岡山県|広島県|山口県)", _
"(徳島県|香川県|愛媛県|高知県)", _
"(福岡県|佐賀県|長崎県|熊本県|大分県)", _
"(宮崎県|鹿児島県)", _
' エリア名
areaNames = Array( _
"北海道", _
"東北", _
"関東甲信", _
"北陸", _
"東海", _
"近畿", _
"中国", _
"四国", _
"九州北部", _
"九州南部・奄美", _
' 各セルをチェック
For Each myRng In Selection
For i = LBound(areaPatterns) To UBound(areaPatterns)
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regEx.Pattern = areaPatterns(i)
regEx.Global = True
If regEx.Test(myRng.Value) Then
myRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = areaNames(i)
Exit For ' 一度エリアが見つかったら、次のセルに進む
End If
Next i
Next myRng
End Sub
#vba #excel #住所検索 #正規表現 #エリア判別 #自動処理 #地方分類 #季節予報 #都道府県 #範囲選択 #地域分け #関東甲信 #北海道 #九州 #東北 #四国 #中国地方 #東海 #北陸 #できること #自動化
English Translation
Output Area Name from Address in Adjacent Column – Local Seasonal Forecast Edition
This explanation is created with ChatGPT.
This procedure checks the address in selected cells, determines which region it belongs to, and outputs the region name in the adjacent column. For example, if a cell contains "Tokyo," the adjacent cell will display "Kanto-Koshin."
Here's a simple breakdown of how this process works:
Process Flow
Mapping Regions to Patterns
Each area is associated with a specific region name, such as "Hokkaido," "Tohoku," and "Kanto-Koshin." In the program, these area names are matched with the corresponding prefecture patterns.Checking Each Cell
It checks each cell in the selected range one by one. If the address in the cell matches any of the patterns, the corresponding area name is written in the cell to the right (adjacent column).Stop Once a Match is Found
Once an address matches a pattern, it stops checking further and moves on to the next cell, making the process efficient.
For instance, if a cell contains "Shibuya, Tokyo," since "Tokyo" is part of the Kanto-Koshin region, the adjacent cell will display "Kanto-Koshin."
If the address contains "Fukuoka," the adjacent cell will display "Northern Kyushu."
This code is useful for simplifying the task of categorizing regions from addresses.
Related Keywords
#vba #excel #addresslookup #regex #areadetection #autoprocess #regionalclassification #seasonalforecast #prefectures #rangecheck #regionaldivision #kanto #hokkaido #kyushu #tohoku #shikoku #chugoku #tokai #hokuriku #automation #possibilities