



このマクロは、セル内に改行で区切られた文字列 を、それぞれ分解して右方向に並べる作業を自動化します。



  1. 選択したセルを確認する

  2. セルの中身を分割する
    選択したセルの中のデータを改行ごとに分解します。この処理にはプログラム内の Split という機能を使います。

  3. 右隣に空白のスペースを用意する

  4. データを配置する

  5. 元のセルには最初のデータを残す


  • 実行前:

  • 実行後:


  • 改行で分割
    Split(myRng.Value, vbLf) というコードで、セル内のデータを改行ごとに分けています。

  • 空白列の作成
    データを配置するために、myRng.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, Col).EntireColumn.Insert を使って必要な分だけ空白列を挿入します。

  • データを配置


  • 対象のセルには、改行(Alt+Enter)を使ってデータが入力されている必要があります。

  • マクロを実行すると元のデータが上書きされます。必要であれば、データをコピーしてから実行してください。


Sub セル内改行で区切られた文字列を横方向に出力するよ()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim myRng As Range
    For Each myRng In Selection
        Dim txt As Variant
        txt = Split(myRng.Value, vbLf)

        ' myRngの右隣のセルがブランクであるか確認
        If Not IsEmpty(myRng.Offset(0, 1).Value) Then
            ' 空の列をUBound(txt,1)分挿入
            Dim Col As Long
            Col = UBound(txt, 1)
            myRng.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, Col).EntireColumn.Insert
        End If

        ' 最初のセルに1行目の値を設定
        myRng.Value = txt(0)

        ' 残りの値を右方向に配置
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To UBound(txt, 1)
            myRng.Offset(, i).Value = txt(i)
        Next i
    Next myRng

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


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Distribute Strings Separated by Line Breaks Horizontally

This explanation is created with ChatGPT.

What Does This Macro Do?

This macro automatically processes strings separated by line breaks within a cell, splits them into individual elements, and arranges them horizontally.

For example, if a cell contains "Apple," "Orange," and "Banana" separated by line breaks, running this macro will distribute these words horizontally in adjacent cells.

How Does It Work?

  1. Check the Selected Cells
    You need to select the target cells before running the macro.

  2. Split the Cell Content
    The data in the selected cells is split into separate elements based on line breaks. This step uses the Split function in the program.

  3. Prepare Empty Space to the Right
    The macro creates blank columns to the right, ensuring enough space to place the split data.

  4. Place the Data
    The split data is arranged horizontally, one element per column.

  5. Keep the First Data in the Original Cell
    The first piece of split data remains in the original cell.

Example Usage

  • Before Execution:
    A single cell contains "Apple," "Orange," and "Banana," separated by line breaks.

  • After Execution:
    "Apple" remains in the original cell, while "Orange" and "Banana" are placed horizontally in the adjacent cells.

How Does the Program Work?

  • Splitting by Line Breaks
    The line Split(myRng.Value, vbLf) splits the cell content into separate pieces using line breaks as the delimiter.

  • Creating Blank Columns
    The code myRng.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, Col).EntireColumn.Insert inserts as many blank columns as needed to accommodate the split data.

  • Placing the Data
    A For loop places the split data in adjacent cells, moving to the right from the original cell.

Points to Note

  • The target cells must contain data separated by line breaks (entered using Alt+Enter).

  • The macro overwrites the original data, so create a backup if necessary.

Related Links


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