プロシージャの最初で `Application.ScreenUpdating = False` と書かれていますが、これはコードの実行中に画面がちらつかないように、一時的に画面の更新を停止しています。最後に `True` に戻すことで、処理後に画面更新が再開されます。変数の初期化
`Dim myRng As Range` は、セル範囲を扱うための変数です。`myStr`, `newStr`, `newStr2` は文字列を扱うための変数で、それぞれ特定の文字や新しく生成される文字列を保持します。また、`i` はループで使うための整数、`a` は「※」に付ける番号をカウントするための変数です。ループ処理
`For Each myRng In Selection` で、選択されたセル範囲内の各セルを順番に処理します。文字列の操作
Sub ※注記の数を数えて連番をつけて最下段に一覧をいれるよ()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myStr, newStr, newStr2 As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim a As Long
For Each myRng In Selection
newStr = "" 'ここで初期化
a = 1 'aを1に戻す
For i = 1 To Len(myRng)
myStr = Mid(myRng.Value, i, 1)
If myStr = "※" Then
newStr = newStr & myStr & a
newStr2 = newStr2 & myStr & a & vbLf
a = a + 1
newStr = newStr & myStr
End If
Next i
If InStrRev(newStr2, vbLf) = Len(newStr2) Then
newStr2 = Left(newStr2, Len(newStr2) - 1)
End If
myRng.Value = newStr
myRng.Value = myRng.Value & vbLf & "(注記)" & vbLf & newStr2
Next myRng
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
#excel #vba #できること #文字列操作 #ループ処理 #注記追加 #セル操作 #マクロ #文字列連結 #番号付け #シート操作 #自動化 #エクセル #プログラミング #注釈挿入 #VBA解説 #業務効率化 #セル編集 #コード解説 #データ整理
Count Annotations, Number Them, and Insert a Summary at the End
This explanation is created using ChatGPT.
This VBA procedure is designed to find the "※" symbols within selected cells, add a sequential number to each one, and then insert a list of these numbered symbols at the bottom of each cell. Here's a breakdown of how it works:
Screen Updating Disabled
The procedure starts with `Application.ScreenUpdating = False`, which temporarily stops screen updates during the code execution to prevent flickering. At the end, it’s set back to `True` to resume updates.Initializing Variables
`Dim myRng As Range` is used to handle cell ranges. `myStr`, `newStr`, `newStr2` are string variables for managing specific characters and newly generated strings. `i` is an integer for looping, and `a` is used to count and assign numbers to the "※" symbols.Looping Through Cells
`For Each myRng In Selection` processes each cell within the selected range.String Manipulation
The code checks each character in the cell. When it finds "※", it appends a number to it. For example, if there are three "※" symbols, they become "※1", "※2", and "※3".Creating an Annotation List
The numbered "※" symbols are collected and added as a list at the end of the cell. If the list is not empty, it is appended to the cell's content.Applying Changes
The modified string is written back to the cell, and screen updating is resumed.
This allows each "※" symbol in the cell to be numbered, with a summary of these numbers added at the cell's end.
Related Keywords:
#excel #vba #possibilities #stringmanipulation #looping #addannotations #celloperations #macro #stringconcatenation #numbering #sheetoperations #automation #excel #programming #insertannotations #VBAexplained #workoptimization #cellediting #codereview #dataorganization
文字数: 951文字