



  1. キーワードの入力:

    • InputBoxを使用して、検索するキーワードを入力します。

    • キーワードが入力されなかった場合、メッセージを表示して終了します。

  2. シートと選択範囲の確認:

    • ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheetで現在アクティブなシートを設定します。

    • Application.Selectionで選択範囲を取得します。

    • 選択範囲が1行でない場合、メッセージを表示して終了します。

  3. 列名と選択した行のデータ取得:

    • 1行目の列名と選択した行のデータをそれぞれ取得します。

  4. キーワードの検索:

    • キーワードが含まれるセルを探し、そのセルの値をHTMLの<br>タグを使用して改行に変換し、キーワードを赤色にします。

    • 見つかった列名とデータを別の変数に格納します。

  5. HTMLの作成:

    • 見つかった列名とデータをHTML形式に整え、一時ファイルに書き込みます。

  6. Microsoft Edgeで表示:

    • 作成したHTMLファイルをMicrosoft Edgeで開きます。


Sub 改良版_横長の表から指定したキーワードを含む情報を項目名と一緒にHTML表示する()
    ' 検索するキーワードを入力
    Dim keyword As String
    keyword = InputBox("検索するキーワードを入力してください:", "キーワード入力")
    ' キーワードが空白の場合のメッセージを表示
    If keyword = "" Then
        MsgBox "有効なキーワードを入力してください。", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Application.Selection
    ' 列名の行を選択した場合のメッセージを表示して終了
    If rng.Rows.Count <> 1 Then
        MsgBox "単一のレコードを選択してください。", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim headers As Variant
    headers = ws.Rows(1).Value ' すべての列名を取得
    Dim recordRow As Variant
    recordRow = ws.Rows(rng.Row).Value ' 選択したレコードのすべての値を取得
    Dim found As Boolean
    found = False
    Dim foundHeaders As Collection
    Set foundHeaders = New Collection
    Dim foundRecords As Collection
    Set foundRecords = New Collection
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(recordRow, 2) To UBound(recordRow, 2)
        ' エラー表示を代替テキストに置き換え
        Dim cellValue As String
        If IsError(recordRow(1, i)) Then
            cellValue = " ●エラー● "
            cellValue = recordRow(1, i)
        End If
        ' 改行をHTMLの<br>タグに変換
        cellValue = Replace(cellValue, vbLf, "<br>")
        ' キーワードを含む列名とレコードを別の変数に格納し、キーワードを赤色にするコードを追加
        If InStr(cellValue, keyword) > 0 Then
            found = True
            foundHeaders.Add headers(1, i)
            foundRecords.Add Replace(cellValue, keyword, "<span style='color:red;'>" & keyword & "</span>")
        End If
    Next i
    ' キーワードが見つからなかった場合のメッセージを表示して終了
    If Not found Then
        MsgBox "選択したレコードにはキーワード """ & keyword & """ が含まれていません。", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' 列名とレコードを表示するHTMLを準備
    Dim htmlOutput As String
    htmlOutput = "<html><body>"
    For i = 1 To foundHeaders.Count
        htmlOutput = htmlOutput & "<div><strong>" & foundHeaders(i) & "</strong></div>"
        htmlOutput = htmlOutput & "<div>" & foundRecords(i) & "</div><br>"
    Next i
    htmlOutput = htmlOutput & "</body></html>"
    ' HTMLを一時ファイルに書き込み
    Dim tempFilePath As String
    tempFilePath = Environ$("temp") & "\temp.html"
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open tempFilePath For Output As fileNum
    Print #fileNum, htmlOutput
    Close fileNum
    ' HTMLファイルをMicrosoft Edgeで開く
    Dim edgePath As String
    edgePath = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"""
    Dim shellCommand As String
    shellCommand = edgePath & " " & tempFilePath
    Shell shellCommand, vbNormalFocus
End Sub


Excel VBA リファレンス | Microsoft Learn

Improved Version: Display Specified Keyword Information from a Horizontal Table with Column Names in HTML

This explanation is created using ChatGPT.
※Improved part: Reflected cell line breaks when displaying in HTML

This procedure displays information containing a specified keyword from an Excel sheet in HTML format. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

  1. Entering the Keyword:

    • An InputBox prompts the user to enter a search keyword.

    • If no keyword is entered, a message is displayed, and the procedure exits.

  2. Checking the Sheet and Selected Range:

    • ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet sets the current active sheet.

    • Application.Selection gets the selected range.

    • If the selected range is not a single row, a message is displayed, and the procedure exits.

  3. Getting Column Names and Selected Row Data:

    • The column names from the first row and the data from the selected row are obtained.

  4. Searching for the Keyword:

    • Cells containing the keyword are found, their values are converted to HTML format with <br> tags for line breaks, and the keyword is highlighted in red.

    • The found column names and data are stored in separate variables.

  5. Creating HTML:

    • The found column names and data are formatted into HTML and written to a temporary file.

  6. Displaying in Microsoft Edge:

    • The created HTML file is opened in Microsoft Edge.

The procedure is structured as follows:

Sub Improved_Display_Info_With_Specified_Keyword_From_Wide_Table_As_HTML()
    ' Enter the keyword to search
    Dim keyword As String
    keyword = InputBox("Please enter the keyword to search:", "Keyword Input")
    ' Display a message if the keyword is empty
    If keyword = "" Then
        MsgBox "Please enter a valid keyword.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Application.Selection
    ' Display a message and exit if the header row is selected
    If rng.Rows.Count <> 1 Then
        MsgBox "Please select a single record.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim headers As Variant
    headers = ws.Rows(1).Value ' Get all column names
    Dim recordRow As Variant
    recordRow = ws.Rows(rng.Row).Value ' Get all values of the selected record
    Dim found As Boolean
    found = False
    Dim foundHeaders As Collection
    Set foundHeaders = New Collection
    Dim foundRecords As Collection
    Set foundRecords = New Collection
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = LBound(recordRow, 2) To UBound(recordRow, 2)
        ' Replace error display with alternative text
        Dim cellValue As String
        If IsError(recordRow(1, i)) Then
            cellValue = " ●Error● "
            cellValue = recordRow(1, i)
        End If
        ' Convert line breaks to HTML <br> tags
        cellValue = Replace(cellValue, vbLf, "<br>")
        ' Store the column names and records containing the keyword in separate variables, and add code to highlight the keyword in red
        If InStr(cellValue, keyword) > 0 Then
            found = True
            foundHeaders.Add headers(1, i)
            foundRecords.Add Replace(cellValue, keyword, "<span style='color:red;'>" & keyword & "</span>")
        End If
    Next i
    ' Display a message and exit if the keyword is not found
    If Not found Then
        MsgBox "The selected record does not contain the keyword """ & keyword & """.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Prepare HTML to display column names and records
    Dim htmlOutput As String
    htmlOutput = "<html><body>"
    For i = 1 To foundHeaders.Count
        htmlOutput = htmlOutput & "<div><strong>" & foundHeaders(i) & "</strong></div>"
        htmlOutput = htmlOutput & "<div>" & foundRecords(i) & "</div><br>"
    Next i
    htmlOutput = htmlOutput & "</body></html>"
    ' Write HTML to a temporary file
    Dim tempFilePath As String
    tempFilePath = Environ$("temp") & "\temp.html"
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open tempFilePath For Output As fileNum
    Print #fileNum, htmlOutput
    Close fileNum
    ' Open the HTML file in Microsoft Edge
    Dim edgePath As String
    edgePath = """C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"""
    Dim shellCommand As String
    shellCommand = edgePath & " " & tempFilePath
    Shell shellCommand, vbNormalFocus
End Sub

In this way, you can easily display data from an Excel sheet in HTML format.

Excel VBA Reference | Microsoft Learn
Watch the YouTube video for this article here

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