
3月20日どんな日                          What day is March 20th?

春分 / 春分の日【2024年】







  • 1981年のポートピア'81開幕は、国際博覧会として神戸市の発展に大きく貢献しました。この博覧会は、地域経済の活性化だけでなく、文化交流の場としても機能しました。

  • **広島自動車道の全線開通(1985年)**は、広島県内の移動を大きく改善し、地域間のアクセス向上に貢献しました。この道路は、経済活動における物流の効率化や観光振興にも影響を与えました。

  • **Osaka Metro長堀鶴見緑地線の開業(1990年)阪神なんば線の全線開通(2009年)**は、大阪府内の公共交通網を大きく強化しました。これらの路線は、日々の通勤や観光客の移動に欠かせない存在となっています。

  • **第二京阪道路の全線開通(2010年)**は、京都府と大阪府を結ぶ重要な道路として、地域間の移動時間を短縮し、経済活動を活性化させる効果をもたらしました。


  • 1184年の一ノ谷の戦いは、源平合戦の重要な局面の一つであり、源義経の戦略的な才能と勇気を示す出来事として歴史に名を残しています。この戦いは、平氏の勢力を大きく削ぎ、源氏の優位を確立するきっかけとなりました。



星座 :うお座



色  :緑

性格 :周りからの信頼が厚く、多くの人にとって頼りになる存在です。礼儀正しく、他人への気配りができるため、どのような社交場面でも好印象を与えることができます。物事に対する理解力があり、名アドバイザータイプとして、他人の問題解決にも積極的に関わることができるでしょう。




ここまでを英語で説明致します。I will explain this in English.

Vernal Equinox / Vernal Equinox Day [2024]

March 20th is noted for its many anniversaries, events, and special meanings. The most important of these is the vernal equinox, or vernal equinox. In 2024, March 20th will be the vernal equinox. The day of the vernal equinox is determined based on the moment when the sun passes through the vernal equinox, that is, when the solar longitude reaches 0 degrees. This is a Japanese national holiday where the length of day and night are approximately equal, and the purpose is to praise nature and respect living things. From this day on, the daytime hours begin to get longer and the nighttime hours get shorter. Additionally, several anniversaries are associated with the vernal equinox. Examples include LP Record Day, Calculator Day, and International Day of Happiness. These are days that have meaning for specific industries or communities, and may feature various events and campaigns. Many historical events are also recorded on March 20th. For example, it is also the day when the Ueno Zoo opened and the sarin gas attack on the subway occurred. These events add to the historical significance of the day and make it memorable for many people. The vernal equinox is also an important time to herald the arrival of spring and is a symbol of new beginnings and rebirth in many cultures and traditions. Therefore, various festivals and events are held during this time to celebrate our connection with nature and prepare for the new season.

Ueno Zoo opening anniversary

Ueno Zoo Opening Day is celebrated on March 20th, the day Ueno Zoo opened. This is one of the oldest zoos in Japan, and special events and activities are sometimes held to commemorate the opening day. Ueno Zoo houses a wide variety of animals and plays an important role in education and conservation. On the opening anniversary, special guided tours, animal care experiences, and commemorative events are sometimes held for visitors. The day is also used as an opportunity to raise awareness of the educational role played by zoos and the protection of endangered animal species. Ueno Zoo is located within Ueno Park in Tokyo, and has welcomed many visitors from Japan and abroad since its opening. For this reason, Ueno Zoo's opening anniversary is a special day for many people who visit the zoo, and it is a good opportunity to reaffirm the relationship between animals and people and think about the importance of nature conservation.

Events of March 20th

Let's also touch on other historical events and memorable moments that occurred on March 20th.

Modern progress and development

The opening of Portopia '81 in 1981 greatly contributed to the development of Kobe City as an international exposition. The exposition not only revitalized the local economy, but also served as a venue for cultural exchange.

The opening of the entire Hiroshima Expressway (1985) greatly improved movement within Hiroshima Prefecture and contributed to improved access between regions. This road also had an impact on improving the efficiency of logistics in economic activities and promoting tourism.

The opening of the Osaka Metro Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line (1990) and the full opening of the Hanshin Namba Line (2009) greatly strengthened the public transportation network within Osaka Prefecture. These routes are essential for daily commuting and tourist transportation.

The full opening of the Daini Keihan Road (2010), as an important road connecting Kyoto and Osaka prefectures, had the effect of shortening travel time between regions and revitalizing economic activity.

in history and culture

The Battle of Ichinotani in 1184 was one of the key points in the Genpei War, and it has gone down in history as an event that demonstrated Minamoto no Yoshitsune's strategic talent and courage. This battle greatly reduced the power of the Taira clan and established the dominance of the Genji clan.

These events had a great impact on the culture, society, and economic development of each era, making March 20th a memorable day in Japanese history. Even in modern times, these events are still learned and passed down by many people.

Personality of people

Personality of people born on March 20th

Constellation: Pisces

Guardian planet: Neptune

Natural element: water

Color: Green

Personality: He has a lot of trust from those around him, and is someone that many people can rely on. Being polite and considerate of others, you can make a good impression in any social situation. You have a good understanding of things, and as a good advisor type, you will be able to actively get involved in solving problems for others.

This type is cautious when it comes to love, and takes time to choose a partner, and once they start dating, they are faithful. By showing tsundere tendencies at times, he has the charm to attract others, but due to his suspicious nature, it may take some time to gain their trust. However, your cunning can sometimes help you manage relationships.

You are cooperative and personable, which makes you especially effective in an environment that emphasizes teamwork. On the other hand, you also remember to defend your position by holding firm to your opinions and feelings, and sometimes expressing them skillfully.

Overall, people with this personality will be able to develop balanced interpersonal relationships and will be able to demonstrate their abilities in many situations. Also, in love, once a relationship of trust is built, it is likely to be deep and long-lasting.


上岡 龍太郎

  • 1942年3月20日

  • 漫才師

  • 元タレント


  • 1945年3月20日

  • NBA選手

  • 指導者

新藤 恵美

  • 1949年3月20日

  • 俳優

三上 寛

  • 1950年3月20日

  • シンガーソングライター

  • 俳優


  • 1950年3月20日

  • 俳優

竹内 まりや

  • 1955年3月20日

  • シンガーソングライター

竹中 直人

  • 1956年3月20日

  • コメディアン

  • 俳優


  • 1957年3月20日

  • 映像監督

  • マルコムXなど

神山 健治

  • 1966年3月20日

  • アニメーション監督

  • 攻殻機動隊 S.A.C.シリーズなど

大石 恵

  • 1973年3月20日

  • タレント

浅川 悠

  • 1975年3月20日

  • 声優

奥 華子

  • 1978年3月20日

  • シンガーソングライター

阿部 慎之助

  • 1979年3月20日

  • プロ野球選手

  • 指導者

川島 永嗣

  • 1983年3月20日

  • サッカー選手

  • 元日本代表

野村 佑香

  • 1984年3月20日

  • 俳優


  • 1984年3月20日

  • サッカー選手

  • 元スペイン代表

後藤 淳平

  • 1984年3月20日

  • お笑いタレント

  • ジャルジャル

山口 智史

  • 1985年3月20日

  • ミュージシャン

  • ドラマー


遠藤 雄弥

  • 1987年3月20日

  • 俳優

都築 拓紀

  • 1997年3月20日

  • お笑いタレント

  • 四千頭身

加藤 梨里香

  • 1998年3月20日

  • 俳優




