


1. 英語面接の概要


1.1 雑談と自己紹介


1.2 予想問題

1. How are you today?”

2. “Why did you choose to become a teacher in Tokyo?”

3. “What is your greatest strength as a teacher?”

4. “What motivates you to work in the field of education?”

5. “Tell us about an experience where you successfully handled a difficult situation in the classroom.”

これらの質問では、自分の教育観や過去の経験を具体的に説明することが求められます 。

2. リーディングとリスニング


2.1 予想問題 (リーディング)

1. “What impact does reading have on students’ language skills?”

2. “Why is reading aloud beneficial for young learners?”

3. “What challenges do students face in reading comprehension?”

4. “How can teachers motivate students to read more?”

5. “What role does literature play in language education?”

2.2 予想問題 (リスニング)

1. “What is the main idea of the passage you just heard?”

2. “What challenges do teachers face in teaching English to non-native speakers?”

3. “How does the speaker suggest improving students’ listening skills?”

4. “What are the benefits of using audio materials in the classroom?”

5. “What strategy did the speaker recommend for teaching vocabulary?”

3. 教育現場でのシナリオ対応


3.1 予想問題

1. “How would you handle a student who suddenly leaves the classroom during your lesson?”

2. “What would you do if a student continuously interrupts your class?”

3. “How would you encourage a student who lacks motivation?”

4. “What steps would you take if a student falls asleep during class?”

5. “How would you resolve a conflict between two students?”

4. 保護者対応


4.1 予想問題

1. “How would you respond if a parent expressed concerns about your teaching style?”

2. “What would you do if a parent complained about the amount of homework?”

3. “How would you handle a situation where a parent criticizes your lesson plan?”

4. “What strategies would you use to engage parents in their child’s learning?”

5. “How would you explain a student’s poor performance to their parent?”

5. 異文化理解


5.1 予想問題

1. “How would you integrate cultural topics into your English lessons?”

2. “What steps would you take to foster an inclusive classroom environment?”

3. “How would you handle a situation where a student makes a culturally insensitive remark?”

4. “What activities would you use to promote intercultural understanding among students?”

5. “How would you support a non-native student adjusting to the Japanese school environment?”

6. 対策方法

6.1 予想問題を使った練習


6.2 実践的なロールプレイ


7. まとめ


