今年の大一番、いよいよ明日が試合!|The “big competition” of the year. Long Jump finals is tomorrow!
(English follows Japanese)
ドバイで、現在開催されている 2019 世界パラ陸上競技選手権大会でいよいよ明日が夫(芦田創)の T47 走幅跳決勝の日です。
2020 年東京パラリンピックの代表選考となる今大会で、1 位 - 4 位をとることで出場権が与えられ、内定が決まります。
まずは、アジア大会直後に決断した 4 年間お世話になった恩師でもある礒コーチとの卒業。夫が新たなフィールドでトレーニングをしたいという決断を真摯に受け入れてくれて強く背中を押してくれたことが、何より創が前に突っ走るパワーになったと思います。同じ年の12月からはオーストラリア・シドニーへ拠点を移すこととなりアレックスコーチの元で 2020年まで共に歩むことを決めました。慣れない英語の環境で技術練習・ストレングス練習もガラリと変わり、順応するのにも時間がかかったと思います。
ケガからのリハビリで始まった2019 年ですが、その苦しくもがいていた時間も無駄にせず、自分自身と向き合ってきてメンタルを鍛え、出来る事をとことんやってきました。その結果、今年の後半からは徐々にペースがつかめてきて、1試合1試合重ねる毎に飛距離も着実に伸びてきました。
Tomorrow, my husband (Hajimu Ashida) will compete at the T47 long jump finals at the 2019 World Para Athletics Championships in Dubai.
The top four ranked athletes at this event will be qualified for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics.
In preparation for this World Championships, and for next years Paralympic Games, Hajimu has taken up new challenges and learnt through many trial and error to improve his skills. In my post today I would like to reflect on the past year, since the end of 2018 Asian Para Games, and share a glimpse of his story.
The first change, and one of the biggest decisions he made was to change his coach from Iso-Sensei who coached him for four years, to his current coach Alex. On December 2018, shortly after he made the decision, he left for Sydney, Australia and has been training primarily from there ever since.
It was difficult for him to adjust to the new environment, english-speaking lifestyle, different people, not to mention the drastic changes to his technical and strength training.
Food and Nutrition management, is also another thing he has explored greatly into. He learned what is the most balanced, and customized diet that suits him best through studying and testing on his own body. He found the optimum meal plan that helps him recover from fatigue faster, and one that maintains his physical and mental strength.
He started 2019 recovering from injuries, but in the midst of the struggles he was always patient with himself, and kept mentally strong and did everything he could do in the process. As a result, he gradually gained back his strengths by the second half of the year, and he was performing better and better after each competition.
Hajimu was always self-aware of his condition, so it never let him feel anxious or tense, but instead just focused on doing what he had to do. And that has resulted in him to become physically and mentally tougher than he has ever been before. So I'm very excited to watch him how he will perform tomorrow!
I hope many of you believe in his strengths and cheer for his best!
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