
Did You Know that You Are Eligible for Working with Your Spouse Visa?

Visa is pretty complicated and there are tons of professional to take care of, so here, I only write about the simplest and easiest question that many expats' partner(spouse) may have:


If your resident card shows as above red circled, you cannot work at this moment.
「就労不可」means 「NOT ELIGIBLE FOR WORK」.
This includes remote work for overseas company, too. No exceptions.

Foreign nationals who are permitted to work in Japan and those who are not. | 東京外国人雇用サービスセンター (mhlw.go.jp)

But, with a simple application, you’ll be eligible to work up to 28 hours without changing your status.
Official Guide:  https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/guide/nyuukokukanri07_00045.html

The process is simple:

1. Submit your application at immigration office.

what to bring:
1. Application:  https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930004124.pdf
2. A
  proof that shows you're actually working (or starting to work) at the timing of application (optional but recommended).
i.e. Contract letter, Work Certificate, Offer Letter…
No need for appointment, but expect for long waiting line 

2. You will receive a Notice Letter from immigration office (Postcard size, written in English (or other foreign language) for requesting you to come to the immigration office.

3. Visit the immigration office again and they will give you permission for working up to 28 hours by stamp on your resident card

The red circled is the stamp they give on your resicent card. Now you can work!

This doesn't apply to all the cases of people with spouse (family) visa, so please ask us if you have any questions!

Magnolia Research & Service LLC can support your applying status update to work in Japan for:
-Accompanying for visiting to the immigration office (Translation) 
-Preparing Documents
-Translation and Research upon necessity

Please contact to info@magnoliaservice.co.jp in need of assistance and price inquiry!
