✨ Magical Firebirds 🌬 タロットデッキ ✨
The firebird is a magical glowing bird from a faraway land,
which is both blessing and a bringer of doom to its captor.
Some believe it can see the future.
Slavic Mythology
🕊 MAGICAL FIREBIRDS Tarot Cards ~ Journey of Soul-Decoding ~ 🪶
0. The Fool - 好奇心 / CURIOSITY (ゆらぎ/ fluctuation)
I. The Magician - 不思議 / WONDER (真空/ vacuum)
II. The High Priestess - 直感 / INSPIRATION (零点エネルギー/ zero point energy)
III. The Empress - 自然 じねん / NATURAL (波動性/ wave nature )
IV. The Emperor - 意図 / INTENTION (粒子性/ particulate matter)
V. The Hierophant - 意欲 / WILLINGNESS (波動関数/ wave function)
VI. The Lovers - 焦点 / FOCUS (もつれ/ entanglement)
VII. The Chariot - 心境 / STATE OF MIND (状態/ state)
VIII. Strength - 可能 / POSSIBLE (重ね合わせ/ superposition)
IX. The Hermit - 洞察 / INSIGHT (非実在性/ non existence)
X. The Wheel of Fortune - 縁 えにし / SYNCH (テレポーテーション/ teleportation)
XI. Justice - コミュニケーション / COMMUNICATION (干渉性/ coherence)
XII. The Hanged Man - 静寂 / SERENITY (時間反転/ time reversal)
XIII. Death - 投影 / PROJECTION (ホログラフィー/ holography)
XIV. Temperance - 無心 / SELFLESS (超伝導/ superconductivity)
XV. The Devil - 奥底 / INMOST (暗黒エネルギー/ dark energy)
XVI. The Tower - 気づき / REALIZATION (トンネル効果/ tunnel effect)
XVII. The Star - 寛ぎ / RELAXATION (暗黒物質/ dark matter)
XVIII. The Moon - 光源 / LIGHT SOURCE ( 非局在性/ non locality)
XIX. The Sun - 謝意 / GRATITUDE (位置エネルギー/ potential energy)
XX. Judgement - 巡り逢い / ENCOUNTER (量子場/ quantum field)
XXI. The World - 奇跡 / MIRACLE (並行宇宙/ parallel world)
ワンド / Wands
カップ / Cups
ソード / Swords
ペンタクル / Pentacles
自分を創造する、という素晴らしさ 🕊
創造性の最高の形は、アートとしての ” あなた “ です。
私たちという個々の様々な宇宙を生み出し、発展させ、完成させ続ける根源的な力とつながることを促してくれる マジカル ファイアーバード タロットカードとの対話をお楽しみください。
magical.firebirds 🪶
~ 魂を暗号解読する旅 ~
Wonderfulness of self-creation 🕊
The best form of creativity is “ you “ as art.
There is nothing more wonderful to become a new you.
Next wonderful new world is within you,
and to welcome it means to spring forth a new you into the outer world.
The trigger is the fluctuation that occur in correlation with others.
From here, by decoding your soul, journey of creating a new consciousness begins.
You will admire the world around you, and experience a sense of wonder.
Enjoy interacting with Magical Firebirds tarot cards that will activate the primordial power, which continue bringing forth, developing and completing each of our universes, which is also the deepest layer of our unconsciousness.
magical.firebirds 🪶
~ journey of soul decoding ~