
★最近面白かったYouTube動画 YouTube video that was interesting recently

お金編 道の終わり: お金はどのようにして無価値になったのか?
Money: The End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless


旅行編 Travel edition→ブラウザ文字起こしで日本語にできる。
Overtourism: How to be a responsible tourist - The Global Story podcast, BBC World Service

面白い編    Interesting edition
Expert Explains the Hidden Crowd Engineering Behind Event Venues | WSJ Pro Perfected

IT 編  https://m.youtube.com/@davidbombal   
貧困から抜け出すために。 連鎖を断ち切るために。
Next Gen Hackers are NEXT level 🤯次世代ハッカーは次のレベルです🤯

A story I heard from a Chinese engineer. In China, there are universities in each province, and there are IT faculties. It is trained in a pyramid format to gather excellent students there and train athletes. Students are teaching IT and engineering at current Japanese universities in high school.He said he will enter the school after he finishes studying. By the way, it seems that the person who taught me was the top team. Japan in a few years from now? A large number of college students who can't do anything.He said he would notice that he was creating it.By the way, he also said that there was a big gap between those who have knowledge of IT and engineering and those who have knowledge of IT and others, and it will be passed on from parents to children and stratified, and it will not be possible to get out of it. Is chatGTP01 useful? For education in Japan.


YouTube transcription may be good because it is translated as it is in English grammar. It might be good for learning English.I don't get confused. I recommend "Aoyama Building" which is directly connected to Aoyama 1-chome Station. There are a lot of office workers at lunchtime, so it might be better to move it a little time.When I took the TOEIC test, I chose Kanagawa Prefecture, which turned out to be the Kiyoken headquarters in Yokohama.On my way home, I bought a Kiyoken bento on the first floor. It was almost sold out.Kiyoken is amazing!
