(EN_003) The places of local "Power & Lucky Spot"
Dear all readers,
It is MK.
Thank you for reading this article.
Today I'd like to introduce you should visit the 7 places of local "Power & Lucky Spot"※ in Kantō region of Japan.
※Power Spot : It is the places bring you a luck and an energy for your life and fortune.
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Specifically, they are as follows.
(1) Tsukiji Catholic Church(Tsukiji/Tokyo)
※The area was spared the air raid on Tokyo by WW2.
(URL) https://tsukijicatholic.org/english
(Access) https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/map/index.php/map
(2) Sacred Heart Cathedral(Yokohama/Kanagawa)
※The building was spared the air raid on Yokohama by WW2.
(URL) https://catholicyamate.org/welcome_e/
(Access) https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/map/index.php/map
(3) Yokohama Marine Tower(Yokohama/Kanagawa)
※It is certified by Guinness.
(URL) https://marinetower.yokohama/
(Access) https://marinetower.yokohama/access/
(4) Kumagaya St. Paul church(Kumagaya/Saitama)
※The building was spared from the Great Kanto Earthquake
and the air raid on Kumagaya by WW2.
(URL) https://nskk-kitakanto.org/facilities/saitama/kumagaya-christ/
(5) Catholic Maebashi Church(Maebashi/Gunma)
※Although it was damaged in the Maebashi air raid by WW2,
it suffered only partial loss of its south spire.
(URL) http://maecato.org/indexenglish.html
(Access) https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/map/index.php/map
(6) Matsugamine Catholic Church(Utsunomiya/Tochigi)
※Although it was damaged in the Utsunomiya air raid by WW2,
it suffered only partial loss of its roof and chapel.
(URL) http://matsugamine.g2.xrea.com/index_e.html
(Access) https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/map/index.php/map
(7) Catholic Ashikaga Church(Ashikaga/Tochigi)
※The area did not suffer any damage from WW2.
(URL) https://catholicashikaga.jimdofree.com/
(URL) https://www.facebook.com/ashikagacatholic
(Access) https://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/map/index.php/map
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By visiting these "Power & Lucky Spots", you will get your "luck" and "energy". And they will lead you to better life probably.
So, I would like to recommend you should visit there.