
選ぶ select


I think there are quite a few people who are choosing which camera to use depending on the situation. Is there a big difference between shooting people and scenery? Is it more the case that you have selected the lens without selecting the camera? There are various lenses such as macro lenses, telephoto lenses, and wide-angle lenses. In some cases, you may choose to use a digital camera or a film camera. It would be interesting to choose a toy camera. I'm interested in toy cameras right now.


You can also select the shooting mode. One of the choices is to shoot in full auto or to set various numerical values manually.


Whether to choose full auto or manual.


When shooting in full auto, you can focus on what you are shooting. In the case of a manual, you have to think about how to shoot in addition to what to shoot. How to shoot is an interesting part of using a camera. Concentrating on what you shoot is a great advantage of Auto. However, the sensitivity of choosing what to shoot is questioned.


What should I do?


これはCanon EOS X50を使用しています。

This uses Canon EOS X50.


これはipbone XSを使用しています。少々撮っている角度が違っていました。見逃してください。どうでしょうか。空の青と雲の表現性はiphoneの方がお気に入りです。

It uses ipbone XS. The shooting angle was a little different. Please overlook How about that. I like iPhone more about the expressiveness of blue and clouds in the sky.


My main camera is a digital camera, but recently I think the iphone camera is good. It's easy to focus on what you're shooting. It is also great that you can take it out of your pocket immediately. I also took the title photo with my iPhone. I took this picture because I thought it was a summery sky. It looks like summer is yet to come.


Use iphone to take pictures of open scenery.



I've written articles about settings so far. I think that fun is important and important. I would like to try various things without changing from now on.
