
One Piece Smoker Build

Deck Image

Deck Choice: Black
Leader: Smoker
Card Choices: (and explanation)
Smoker (Leader): for early game pressure. +1 Don to leader gives him +1000 power then if opponent has 0 cost character, it will gain another +1000 which the opponent will have no choice but to take the damage in the early game.
Tsuru, Sengoku, Garp, Tashigi (+2000 counter) x 4
Upon testing, I find the meta game to be hard against Kinemon Leader because of Yamato 4 and Okiku 3 in which they can play on their curves 1 and 2 respectively. If I play low cost blockers, Yamato or Okiku will rest them then the leader will attack them without being able to do anything, resulting to loss of hand advantage. I find the +2000 counter useful because I can choose when to counter instead of my opponent eliminating them at any chance possible.
Kuzan 4
I play this card at 2 because of the no counter. The draw 1 upon play is good but I have to find ways to protect my leader in the long run.
Sengoku 5
I play this card at 4 because his effect is the same with Kuzan 4 in which I can give -4 cost to my opponent’s character when attacking. He also has a base power of 6000 which will have Kinemon users will have to attach 1 Don! to his leader to attack him. Also he is a +1000 counter.
Sakazuki 6
I play him at 3 copies because my thinking is that I do not have to delete opponent’s characters in the early to middle stage of the game unless it is a threat. Discarding 1 hand card to kill 1 cost 5 or below seems a heavy cost for me that is why I wait for my Kuzan 10 to be played before playing him.
Smoker 3 and Smoker 5
I play them at 4 copies each because I chose to eliminate the killing threats of other decks. They cannot wipe my characters out with KO effects so they will be forced to attack them only.
Borsalino 4
I play him at 4 copies because he is a solid 6000 power and also a blocker. He also cannot be KO by your opponent on his turn. Play him well.
Meteor Volcano 2
I play this card with only 2 copies because this card is only useful on middle to late game when my Kuzan 10 is deployed to the board. Combined with leader skill, I can KO anything that is 7 cost or lower.
Kuzan 10 = -5 cost
Leader Skill = -1 cost
Meteor Volcano = KO anything that is 1 cost
Total Cost that can be KO = 7
Impact Wave 4
I play this card at 4 because this is the only card that has +4000 counter for my leader. The second effect is also useful if your opponent has played many blockers/characters that will attack on the next turn.
The trigger effect can also be used against a mirror match Borsalino because Borsalino only states that he cannot be KO on your opponent’s turn. (Great Buddha Slap)
Great Eruption 4
I play this card at 4 because this will be the card I use instead of Kuzan 4 in which I trade a draw. This is also used for pro-active game because on play, I can immediately give 1 of my opponent’s character -2. Together with my leader skill, it is a total of -3.

Feedbacks on match-ups versus other decks:
1. Kinemon Green
a) Make sure to mulligan to Smoker 5, Sengoku 5, or Sakazuki 6 because they have high attack power. This will make your opponent commit Don to the leader/character just to KO your characters.
b) Early Stage just dump all Don to your leader and attack instead of playing characters because they will only be attacked by your opponent for free.
2. Kid Green
a) Play like you are against Kinemon leader.
3. Kaido Purple
a) Mulligan to all kinds of Smoker. Do not mulligan if you have opened Smoker 5.
4. Luffy Red
a) Just mulligan to Smoker again. He will not be able to use his Robin, Jet Pistol against you if you do this.
5. Zoro Red
a) Play like you are against Luffy.
6. Law Red Green
a) Play like you are against Luffy/Zoro. But remember, always kill Bonney to prevent the replenish of hand size.
b) Trafalgar Law 5, Luffy 5, Zoro 3 can all be KO by Sakazuki 6. But you can also just attack them to prevent them from becoming a late game threat.
7. Ivankov Blue
a) Just aim for leader health everytime. Just play to your strengths because Ivankov as a deck is not a threat.

This is my first Article pertaining to the build I use in playing Smoker. If you liked my article, kindly click the follow button to support. 
