WHO、コロナワクチン接種勧告を修正 健康な子ども必要なし という報道について

リュディアです。2023, 3月29日にロイター通信、およびロイター通信のニュースを取り込んだ Yahoo ニュースにWHO、コロナワクチン接種勧告を修正 健康な子ども必要なしという報道がなされました。


まずこのガイドラインは COVID-19 のワクチン接種の優先順位に関するものです。実際、冒頭にある英文も次のようになっています。The roadmap newly considers the cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination for those at lower risk – namely healthy children and adolescents – compared to other health interventions.

WHO の SAGE = Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization(予防接種に関する専門家戦略諮問グループ)がロードマップを更新するわけです。最初のセンテンスには次のことが書かれています。

  • The roadmap newly considers the cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination for those at lower risk – namely healthy children and adolescents – compared to other health interventions.

  • リスクの低い人々、すなわち健康な子供や青年に対するCOVID-19ワクチン接種の費用対効果を、他の保健介入と比較して新たに検討


The low priority group includes healthy children and adolescents aged 6 months to 17 years. Primary and booster doses are safe and effective in children and adolescents. However, considering the low burden of disease, SAGE urges countries considering vaccination of this age group to base their decisions on contextual factors, such as the disease burden, cost effectiveness, and other health or programmatic priorities and opportunity costs.

The public health impact of vaccinating healthy children and adolescents is comparatively much lower than the established benefits of traditional essential vaccines for children – such as the rotavirus, measles, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines – and of COVID-19 vaccines for high and medium priority groups. Children with immunocompromising conditions and comorbidities do face a higher risk of severe COVID-19, so are included in the high and medium priority groups respectively.

Though low overall, the burden of severe COVID-19 in infants under 6 months is still higher than in children aged 6 months to 5 years. Vaccinating pregnant persons – including with an additional dose if more than 6 months have passed since the last dose – protects both them and the fetus, while helping to reduce the likelihood of hospitalization of infants for COVID-19.

(DeepL による日本語訳)





今回は NHK の報道は比較的正確でした。

