
アユタヤ / Ayutthaya




I'm going to Ayutthaya. I'm going by train like before. I wanted to go by bus or something and see the various approaches to Ayutthaya, but maybe next time. Ayutthaya at night, Ayutthaya at night. I wait on the platform for about an hour before boarding the train. There are people from all over the world. Doing this, it may sound cliché, but I start to not care about my own troubles. Seeing people sitting on the benches, I think that as long as I can eat, everything else is fine. My troubles are often just what they appear to be from the outside. When I realize how many people there are, I don't care. I want to remember this.

Suddenly I remember someone saying that women can see and maintain their field of vision even with the whites of their eyes instead of their pupils.
I can only maintain a field of vision that is even smaller than the pupil, about 5mm out. Ladies, I want to know how far you can see from that angle.

Watching the Euros. Every match was the best in the world.
I like Professor Zoma and I like Pickford. Both were great, so that was good. Sleeping.
