
夢 ❘ ピンクのうずまき器官



 I will leave a record of the dreams I have seen. After the original dream memo, I will also include an English translation translated by an AI. Sometimes there may be additional articles related to the use of AI. (These will be separated from the dream content and AI usage articles in the future.)

■ ピンクのうずまき器官








もういちど? 確かに何故かぜんぜんおなかに入った気はしないけど。













Title:The Pink Spiral Organ

I went to Hakuraku Hospital to consult about cold medicine.

 The female doctor was a bit thinner and younger for some reason. The examination room was the layout of another male doctor's examination room I had recently visited.

"I feel terrible with a cold and hay fever."
 "It's the same as the symptoms of the patient before, but first, eat this."

 There was a silver aluminum desk between the doctor and me (instead of the usual desk) with ivory-colored bowls on top of ivory-colored plastic. Each had slightly soft-cooked rice in it. I started with the bowl on the left, and there was only a spoon to eat with. I ate silently and moved on to the second bowl.

I switched the empty bowl with the second one.

(The rice in the first bowl was tasteless and all the grains were standing outwards, radiating slightly from the center (the direction was subtly random)…why am I eating two bowls? It's tasteless…)

 I finished eating. Or so I thought. But when I looked again, the bowls were back in their original positions and reset. Should I eat again?

I didn't feel like it had gone into my stomach at all.

"Doctor, what is this for?"… Silence (smiling)

 I sat in front of the female doctor while glancing at the reset bowls.

"My ears and nose. Is there something unusual?"

The doctor looked into my ear with a tube-like microscope from my ear. After a while...

"Show me the other side."

 The image the doctor was seeing spread through my head.

There was a cone-shaped tower of flesh with a pink string-like thing swaying upwards from its base on the background like internal organs (what the hell is that?). It was thin and had a slightly twisted spiral shape.

On the left side, the pink thing was weakly coiled up. Is it supposed to stretch upwards from its base?

”We'll operate tomorrow."
 "Oh, surgery? The ear?"
"The roll is loose, it's trying to turn the other way, so we'll put it back right. I think that's what's wrong with you."
 "What is this thing you're winding?"
"It's called a ____ roll, and when it's normal, it's a spiral, beautifully thin and wound, standing up and facing upwards. It should be parallel to its cylindrical neighbour."
 "Is it a trachea that cries out for help?"
"It seems so."

"〇 roll 〇 ..."
( ↑ in the dream it had a very special name, but I couldn't remember it)
 "Tomorrow, right?"

Thinking about it, where would that organ be placed in the ear?

↓This was not it. All along it was in my consciousness, but the shape was totally different.



#PinkSpiralOrgan #coldmedicine #earexam #noseexam #surgery #internalorgans #spiral #healthcare

#ピンクスパイラルオルガン #風邪薬 #耳の検査 #鼻の検査 #手術 #内臓 #らせん #健康管理

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