
夢 ❘ Apple home



 I shall leave a record of the dream I’ve seen. After the original text of the dream memo, an English translation by AI will be keen. There may be bonus articles in between. (Related to dream or AI usage scene)
*The dream content and AI usage articles are planned to be separated and clean.

■Apple home















そのあとちょっと間があいて、すこしちぐはぐなやりとりをTMとしながら会話の距離測り中。SNは黙ってそれを見中。 そうしたらまた訪問者が。





title:Apple Home

Application accepted, it seems. Was it not a lottery?

A single document arrived, and I found out that I had been accepted to live in Apple Home, the experimental housing community initiated by Apple. I had applied for it through a small-scale recruitment process.

The living space offered was like a small apartment, where I would reside and engage in some sort of communal living arrangement with an uncertain number of residents. Perhaps it could be compared to the scale of a school, but with enough people to form a community.

With some skepticism, I decided to relocate to this place and start my test life there. This time, SN was with me. Did we discuss this? I had made the decision on my own, just like during our trip to Paris. It feels somewhat similar.

The space I was about to inhabit had no furniture or anything yet, resembling a ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn.

Occasionally, there were gatherings or meetings where I would attend, trying to grasp what would take place there and who would be present. Probably some sort of orientation, as it seemed to be in the initial stages.

Considering this experimental venture by Apple, it was only natural to expect the presence of TM in this small community. I pondered upon this as I went about my days.

One day, there was a demonstration regarding an event in a vast, open gymnasium-like space. I was there as an observer, and among the participants, I caught a glimpse of his face. Just as I had expected.

Feeling that we might meet soon, I found myself smiling with anticipation. I could sense the muscles in my mouth moving.


The day had changed.

Before I could visit or search for the living quarters, TM arrived. SN was temporarily away for some reason (not at work, and this place doesn't seem like a workplace). We exchanged the usual greetings and cautiously started discussing various matters, feeling our way through the conversation. Just as SN returned to the room, interrupting our interaction.

The three of us faced each other, and although it felt troublesome, we politely introduced ourselves to one another (in a formal and somewhat perfunctory manner). The atmosphere wasn't tense or hostile, but there was an odd vibe.

After a brief pause, while TM and I engaged in slightly awkward exchanges, gauging the distance in our conversation, SN silently observed. And then, another visitor arrived.

It appeared to be one of the participants in the event test, touring the residential area as part of a demonstration. For some reason, Louie Daisho was there, among a total of six or seven people lined up, beginning to say something.

Ah, it must be because of the drama I saw last night, featuring Louie Daisho. I shouldn't have watched TV. Haha.

So, was he playing a role in the event?



#AppleHome #ExperimentalLiving #CommunityLiving
#アップルホーム #実験的な生活 #コミュニティ生活


Apple homeとはあのAppleとは関係なくて(夢中ではAppleが、とありますが、夢中でも、実在のAppleを示していることではなかった)、多分その時ハマっていた”SHERLOCK”シーズン3に出てきた場面がトリガーになった気がします。
(SHERLOCK シーズン3 – 第3話 『最後の誓い』)に出てきた、マヌグセンの記憶のお部屋。部屋の景色はこれにとても良くイメージが似ていた。建物の意味合いは全くちがうものだが。。

話は全く変わるが、マヌグセン役の俳優さん(Lars Dittmann Mikkelsen)がマッツ・ミケルセン(Mads Mikkelsen)のお兄さんだったということを今回知ってちょっと得した気分。
