Is it good for kids to have smartphones?
Have you noticed how many young children use smartphones now? Is it good for them? In this article, you will find the answer.
First, what is the reason parents give their child a phone? There are a few options, for safety, entertainment, education, or because the child really wants one. Some of the reasons may seem acceptable, some may not. Instantly most people think that using a smartphone for safety is a great reason, the child can call anyone if they need help. Education, another great reason, the child can surf the internet and learn a ton of new things. BUT... is that really all a child will do? As soon as a child gets a smartphone, he will show their friends and then, the first step in the wrong direction has started.
Step one, the beginning of addiction
Now that a child got advice about all the cool social media, videos, games and websites from their friends, they will start using it. As you know the internet is huge or in other words, it's endless. Once a child starts looking through Instagram or other social media platforms, they will keep it going. They will start to like it.
Step two, addiction with no guilt
Now a child has started to use social media by posting and liking, watch youtube until late at night and carries their smartphone everywhere they go. This is when the child starts to focus more on this two-dimensional world inside his smartphone and less to the three-dimensional real world. This is the last moment to escape from the addiction with little to no problem, but for many, it is the hardest place to stop.
Step three, addiction with guilt
Now the child has gone too far and realizes how much of his private information they have put into the internet and knows they should stop but, they can't. They have now realized that they are addicted and they can't stop.
Treatment, now it must be done the hard way
If a child was able to reach step three, it can't stop by itself. The best solution for this child is to tell someone who is in control/charge of this child. For example, tell a parent. Most children are embarrassed or scared to tell their parents what they have done, this is not good. If a parent has given the child a smartphone and space to do what they wanted, they should be able to own up to it and solve the child's problem together.
Now, who's fault is it?
Some of you may think that it's the child's fault for not controlling themselves, but no. It is the parent's fault for giving the child an opportunity. The parents are the ones that gave the child a phone, the space to do whatever the child wanted, and most importantly they never taught the child. If a child was thought about the dangers of the internet and smartphone addiction, it wouldn't dare to do so because of two reasons. Reason one, fear. The child is too scared to risk his future for a little fun in the "smartphone world". Reason two, parental pressure. If the parents have made it clear what the child is allowed and not, they would start felling guilt in something before they even start it, this prevents a lot of children from starting an addiction.
Now I'm not saying a child shouldn't be safe, or a child shouldn't learn online. All I'm saying is that a smartphone has too many extra functions that can backfire very quickly. The ideal option for safety is a simple flip phone. It is actually cool, it's perfect for calling people and has no functions that can keep a child entertained. For researching and learning online, a stationary computer would be great. There are many ways parents can set up an account that they can see everything a child does on it, the child has no way to sneak on the computer at night, and it is healthier since the child can sit with a proper posture and focus on learning.
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