
Overcoming the Fear of Making Mistakes in English恐れずに英語のミスを乗り越える方法



Making mistakes is a natural part of learning any language, but for many Japanese learners, the fear of mistakes can be overwhelming. This fear often prevents learners from using English freely, hindering progress and confidence. Today, let's explore why making mistakes is essential, address common areas of struggle, and learn strategies for embracing errors on the road to fluency.

1.ミスを受け入れることの大切さ /Embrace the Power of Mistakes


Mistakes are actually a powerful tool in learning. Each mistake provides a unique opportunity to improve and reinforce new language skills. For Japanese learners, viewing mistakes as stepping stones can lead to a significant mindset shift. It’s not about perfection but progression!

2. よくある間違いと発音の難しさ/Common Mistakes and Pronunciation Struggles


  • R と L:この音は日本語には存在しないため、難しいと感じることが多いです。「Rain」(雨)や「Left」(左)のように音を少し誇張して練習してみましょう。

  • Th と S/Z:「Think」(考える)や「This」(これ)の「th」音は、「s」や「z」として発音されがちです。歯の間に舌を軽く触れることで、この音に慣れることができます。

  • V と B:「Very」(非常に)などの「v」音も難しいため、しばしば「b」として発音されてしまいます。唇の動きを強調して「v」音を作ることで、はっきりと区別できるようになります。


One of the most common fears among Japanese learners is pronunciation, especially with sounds that don’t exist in Japanese. Let’s break down a few tricky ones and how to approach them:

  • R and L: These sounds can be challenging, as Japanese has no equivalent. Practice by exaggerating the sound, like “Rrrrain” or “Llleft,” to build confidence.

  • Th and S/Z: The “th” sound, like in “think” and “this,” often sounds like “s” or “z” to Japanese speakers. Trying a slight tongue touch between your teeth can help master this sound.

  • V and B: The “v” sound, like in “very,” can also be tricky, often pronounced like “b.” Emphasize lip movement for “v” to create a clearer distinction.

By practicing these sounds regularly, learners can gradually overcome these challenges.

3. 文法の恐れを乗り越える/Moving Beyond Grammar Fears 


  • 時制の間違い:英語には多くの時制がありますが、ここでの間違いを恐れる必要はありません。まずは基本的な時制を日常的に使い、少しずつ慣れていくことを目指しましょう。

  • 語順:英語の語順は、日本語を母国語とする人にとっては逆のように感じられることがあります。文章の構造を「主語-動詞-目的語」(SVO)に集中し、シンプルに保つように心がけましょう。

Grammar is another area where Japanese learners often fear mistakes, particularly around tenses or word order. Remember, even native speakers sometimes get grammar wrong! Here are some common grammar worries and solutions:

  • Tense Mistakes: English has many tenses, but don’t worry if you make errors here. Start with the basics and use them in everyday practice to grow comfortable.

  • Word Order: English word order can feel backwards to Japanese speakers. Focus on Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structure in sentences to keep it simple.

4. 恐れを乗り越えるための戦略/Strategies for Overcoming Fear 


  • 小さな勝利を祝う:どんなに小さな進歩でも認めましょう。日本語に戻らずに会話ができたら、それをお祝いしましょう!

  • 録音して聞く:自分の声を聞くことで改善点を見つけ、自信をつけることができます。

  • 友達と練習する:他人と練習することで、カジュアルな間違いにも慣れていきましょう。

To conquer the fear of making mistakes, try these strategies:

  • Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize progress, no matter how small. Did you manage a conversation without switching back to Japanese? Celebrate it!

  • Record and Listen: Listening to yourself helps identify areas to improve and builds confidence.

  • Practice with Friends: Practice with others to get comfortable with casual mistakes.



Remember, every successful English speaker started where you are now. By letting go of perfection and embracing mistakes, you’re taking the first steps toward genuine fluency and confidence. Don’t fear errors—view them as opportunities to grow and enjoy the journey.


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