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In the first chapters of Genesis, we encounter the creation of the world, the formation of mankind, and the beginning of humanity's relationship with God. The story reveals that God’s breath gave life to humanity, an intimate act that made man and woman distinct from the rest of creation. However, this perfect creation was disrupted not by a simple act of disobedience, but by an underlying disbelief in the Word of God. This disbelief, which Eve accepted when she followed the deceptive words of the Serpent, led to catastrophic changes for all of humankind.

The Serpent’s Subtle Deception

When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them a clear command: they could eat from any tree in the Garden of Eden except the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, the Serpent (サーパント) approached Eve and asked, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" This question was not about any literal fruit but about introducing doubt and distortion into God’s command. The "fruit" here represents the lies and deceptive words of the Devil, who, through the Serpent, planted disbelief in Eve’s heart.

The core of the Serpent’s deception was not the offer of actual food, but the spiritual and mental enticement to ignore God’s Word. The Serpent said, "You will not surely die" (Genesis 3:4), directly contradicting God’s warning. This denial of God’s truth was the real "fruit" offered by the Serpent—lies, temptation, and a false sense of security in disobeying God. Eve’s acceptance of these falsehoods represents the real act of disobedience, leading to the downfall of mankind.

The Real Sin: Not Believing God's Word

Eve's decision to follow the Serpent’s twisted words rather than God’s command underscores the true nature of sin in this story. It was not about eating a physical fruit but about trusting in a lie and doubting the Word of God. By choosing to believe the Devil’s deception over God’s truth, Eve allowed disbelief to enter the world, and this disbelief is the root cause of sin.

Disbelief in God’s Word led to the introduction of death into a world that was originally meant to be eternal. Before the fall, Adam and Eve were sustained by the breath of God, created for an everlasting life in perfect communion with Him. But now, as a consequence of their unbelief, death became the inevitable end of all human life—both spiritual and physical.

The Transformation of Human Life

Before the fall, life was given through God's breath. Genesis 2:7 explains, "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." This act of breathing life into man symbolizes the divine and pure origin of human existence. Adam and Eve were made to live eternally, directly sustained by God.

After the fall, however, the nature of human life changed. The original way of life, which was tied to God's breath, was replaced by life through human reproduction—through the physical act of sexual intercourse. Genesis 3:16 explains that childbirth, once free from pain and suffering, would now be marked by labor and difficulty, symbolizing the transformation of life from a divine gift to one marked by physical limitations and mortality.

The Entrance of Death

God’s warning was clear: "For in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:17). This death did not occur immediately in a physical sense, but spiritually, Adam and Eve were cut off from the eternal life God had intended for them. They were expelled from the Garden of Eden, no longer able to walk with God in direct communion. Physical death soon followed, as sin brought decay and mortality to the human condition.

The Way of Human Birth Post-Fall

The way human life was brought into the world also underwent a dramatic shift. Originally, life came through God's direct breath, a holy and spiritual act. After the fall, life became tied to the physical, and childbirth itself was now subject to pain and suffering, a direct result of sin entering the world. The union between man and woman, though still bringing new life, was now marked by the curse of sin and bound to the eventual outcome of death.

Conclusion: The Importance of Believing God’s Word

The story of the fall is a powerful reminder of the consequences of disbelief in God’s Word. Eve’s choice to follow the Serpent’s deception rather than God’s truth brought not only disobedience but also death and sin into the world. The fruit offered by the Serpent was not a physical object but a spiritual lie that contradicted the life-giving Word of God.

Today, the lesson remains the same: disbelief in God’s truth leads to destruction. Just as Eve was deceived by the Serpent’s words, people are often led astray by falsehoods that contradict the clear Word of God. Only by holding fast to God’s truth can we find life and avoid the spiritual death that comes from disbelief.

Support the Japanese Translation of the KJV Bible

As you may know, the truth of the Bible is central to this project. We believe in preserving the accuracy and purity of God’s Word, and that’s why we are working tirelessly to translate the King James Version (KJV) into Japanese. Many modern Bible translations, both in English and Japanese, stray from the original meanings found in the Textus Receptus (TR). Our goal is to offer a faithful and clear translation that honors the original scriptures.

This translation project is not only important for Japanese-speaking believers but also for those seeking the truth about Jesus Christ, His teachings, and the message of salvation. We humbly ask for your support to help complete this translation so that the true Gospel can be spread across Japan.

If you feel led to contribute to this project, please consider making a donation to support us through FundRazr. Your support will help bring this translation to life and allow more people to experience the beauty and truth of God’s Word.

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