1. 時代のしるしを認識する
2. 純粋で献身的な生き方をする
ウィリアム・ブラナム兄弟は次のように強調しています。「あなた自身で清めることはできません。しかし、キリストに委ねれば、彼が清めてくださいます。」 この言葉は、努力を求めるのではなく、神を信頼し、心から求める者を神が力づけてくださることを思い起こさせます。
日本語版: 3. 恐れから喜びの期待へと移行する
English Version: 3. Transitioning from Fear to Joyful Anticipation
4. 聖書の真理を羅針盤とする
5. 日々の備えのための実践的なステップ
A. 自分の心を定期的に点検する
B. 悔い改めをライフスタイルにする
C. 人間関係を優先する
D. 信仰の共同体を強化する
6. 祈りと神への依存の役割
結論: 喜びをもって主の再臨を待ち望む
How to Prepare for the Lord's Return
The return of the Lord is one of the most profound and awaited promises in Christian faith. It stirs hope, anticipation, and a call to live righteously. While the idea of Jesus’ second coming can be overwhelming, preparation for it should fill us with joy rather than fear. This article will guide you on how to approach this preparation with clarity and purpose, grounded in the Scriptures and practical application.
1. Recognizing the Signs of the Times
The Bible provides clear signs to help us discern the approach of the end times. In Matthew 24, Jesus outlines events like wars, natural disasters, and moral decay as signals that His return is near. These signs are meant not to induce panic but to encourage vigilance and readiness. We live in an era that reflects these descriptions more closely each day, signaling that it is time to align our lives more intentionally with His word.
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” – 2 Timothy 3:1 (KJV)
As we observe these signs, it’s essential to reflect on our current spiritual condition. Are we living in a way that honors God, or have the distractions of the world diluted our commitment?
2. Living a Pure and Dedicated Life
Living in purity and dedication isn’t an unreachable ideal; it’s a lifestyle that God calls us to embrace through His strength, not our own. Holiness is not achieved through mere human effort but by seeking God’s guidance and allowing Him to transform us.
Brother William Branham emphasized the importance of surrendering fully to God: “You cannot cleanse yourself, but if you surrender to Christ, He will do the cleansing.” This reminder shifts the burden from striving to trusting, knowing that God equips those who seek Him sincerely.
To adjust our lives, we need to cultivate daily habits that draw us closer to Him:
Spend dedicated time in prayer and worship.
Meditate on the Word of God, letting it shape your thoughts and actions.
Build a community of believers who encourage each other to stay focused on eternal truths.
3. Transitioning from Fear to Joyful Anticipation
The thought of Christ’s return can be unsettling if viewed solely through the lens of judgment. However, the Bible describes His return as the ultimate fulfillment of our faith and hope. For those who belong to Christ, that day will bring joy, not terror.
“16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV)
This verse promises the magnificent moment when believers will be caught up with the resurrected saints to meet the Lord in the air. It reassures us that Christ’s return is a beacon of hope for believers, dispelling fear.
However, preparation for this day is not just about observing signs but about our relationship with Christ. The Bible describes the church as the bride of Christ, chosen and set apart for Him. “7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” – Revelation 19:7 (KJV)
Being prepared means living as His bride—committed, pure, and dedicated to Him. This calling is about more than avoiding sin; it is about embracing the love He has for us and reciprocating it through our obedience and devotion. We are elected by His grace, and in response, we should live in readiness, ensuring our hearts and lives reflect our status as His chosen bride.
Living in this way transforms anticipation from fear into a deep, joyful longing. The return of Christ is not just an event; it is the moment when we, His bride, are united with Him forever.
4. Scriptural Truth as the Compass
To understand where we are and where we are going, we must immerse ourselves in the truth of Scripture. The Bible is not just a historical record but a living guide that lights our path. The Psalms remind us, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path..” (Psalm 119:105, KJV)
Set aside time each day to read and study the Bible. Reflect on passages that highlight God’s promises and commandments. Let these truths anchor your soul amidst the noise of current events and daily life.
5. Practical Steps for Daily Readiness
A. Examine Your Heart Regularly Pause and ask yourself, “Am I walking in a way that is pleasing to God?” This self-reflection is not meant to produce guilt but to inspire growth.
B. Embrace Repentance as a Lifestyle Repentance isn’t a one-time event but a continual turning away from sin and toward God. Recognize areas where you need God’s help to change and bring them before Him.
C. Prioritize Relationships Reconcile with those you may have hurt or hold grievances against. Jesus taught that love for others reflects our love for Him. This act of forgiveness and reconciliation is part of living in holiness.
D. Strengthen Your Faith Community Connect with fellow believers who share your commitment to spiritual growth. Attend Bible studies, participate in church services, and support each other in prayer.
6. The Role of Prayer and Dependence on God
Prayer is the lifeline that connects us to God’s heart. It is in prayer that we receive direction, strength, and peace. As you pray, ask the Lord to align your will with His and to prepare your heart for His return. Depend on Him fully, knowing that your preparation is not done in isolation but through His empowering presence.
Conclusion: Embrace His Return with Expectation
The second coming of Jesus is not an event to be feared but to be eagerly awaited by those who love Him. Prepare your heart by embracing holiness, not as an impossible standard but as a divine invitation. Let His word, prayer, and community guide you to live a life that shines with readiness and anticipation.
Live each day with the confidence that His return will be a moment of rejoicing for those who have prepared their hearts and surrendered their lives to Him.
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