Separately stated item(S corporation and partnership)
Separately stated item is below
1)net income or loss from rental real estate activity
2)net income or loss from other rental activity
→Rent expense is not treated as separately stated item
3)interest, dividend, royalty income
→Passive income
4)capital gain or loss
→Limitation: (3,000) per year. Remaining loss is carry forward indefinitely
5)section 1231 gains and losses
→Loss: ordinary loss/ Gain: capital gain(long-term)
6)section 179 expense deduction
→IRS gives us to elect the deduction or capitalization when section 179 is applicable. Because section 179 expense is personally election, it is treated as separated stated item.
7)charitable contribution
→Limitation of celling bases on adjusted gross income
8)investment interest expense
→Individual can be deductible by the amount of net investment income in itemized deduction
9)foreign income taxes
→individual can choose whether the foreign income taxes are treated as tax credit item or itemized deduction
10)tax-exempt income
→EX) interest from municipal bonds
Be careful to treat the Separately stated items when you prepare the tax return.