Red Hats Slaughter Corrupt CDC employees in Overseas Operation
Michael Baxter
February 24, 2025
Red Hats Slaughter Corrupt CDC employees in Overseas Operation | Real Raw News
Red Hats on Saturday blitzed a CDC satellite office in Tbilisi, Georgia, slaughtering nine employees in a hit-and-run mission that lasted only two minutes, a spokesperson for Col. Kurtz told Real Raw News.
Early last week, Kurtz reportedly learned that CDC researchers in Tbilisi were concocting plans to amplify messaging of the invented avian flu epidemic impacting the cattle and poultry industries in the United States. The Deep State contrivance has caused egg prices—and products containing eggs—to skyrocket, as health authorities say the highly transmissible virus could spontaneously mutate and infect the human population.
Our source wouldn’t share how Kurtz acquired the intel, but he did say Kurtz vetted his source and deemed the information credible and actionable.
“The healthcare globalists are furious Trump withdrew the US from the World Health Organization and took away critical funding. They’re entrenching, planning to make Trump’s next four years miserable, and the CDC is linked to the WHO. They want a new Scamdemic. If a bird flu pandemic ever becomes a reality, it’ll be because they introduced it,” our source said.
Kurtz’s tipster, he added, gave Kurtz the names of two CDC research scientists, microbiologist Adam Buchsenbaum and virologist Adil Mohammed Aziz, who had been working at the Tbilisi office since 2021. Both joined the CDC in 2007 and had worked together—an Orthodox Jew and a devout Muslim cohabiting in the same office certainly seems odd—in Atlanta, Dallas, Miami, and, later, Tbilisi, the latter among the CDC’s network of regional offices in over 60 countries.
Our source said Kurtz targeted the pair for termination after acquiring their jointly authored “scientific research paper” predicting that an H5N1 mutation would broadly infect humanity by 2026 and kill at least three million Americans by the end of Trump’s second non-consecutive term. They opined that Pfizer, Moderna, and Merck—pharmaceutical behemoths—hasten test trials on revolutionary mRNA vaccines to mitigate the catastrophic loss of life.
A small team of operatives—prior service military and law enforcement dedicated to defending the Republic—was assembled to travel overseas, infiltrate the CDC office, and kill Buchsenbaum, Aziz, and any co-conspirators around them.
When our source mentioned the 8-man team flew commercially, we asked how they had circumvented TSA and smuggled weapons aboard the flight.
“They didn’t. You can get guns anywhere for a price. And Kurtz has cultivated contacts globally,” he answered.
The strike team reached Tbilisi Saturday morning and located and surveilled the CDC’s office on Mikheil Asatiani St. Between 9:00-11:00 a.m., they observed nine people, including Buchsenbaum and Aziz, enter the building.
The rules of engagement: weapons free.
The Red Hats stormed the office and immediately shot dead a security guard sitting at a desk in the lobby. A 7.62x39mm round fired from an AK-47 entered the back of his skull and blew out his orbital socket, his right dangling from a veiny thread as he hit the floor. They cleared each room, mercilessly gunning down everyone they encountered. They found Buchsenbaum hiding behind a desk and pissing his pants.
“Please no, don’t do this, I can explain…” Buchsenbaum exclaimed just before a Red Hat slit his throat from ear to ear.
They caught Aziz in an adjoining office. He was chanting “Allahu Akbar” and kneeling in supplication to “Allah” when a phalanx of bullets struck his chest and head.
Our source said Red Hats suffered no casualties as they left the office, but that they are still in Tbilisi and will remain there until they can be safely repatriated home.
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