


「個人情報の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する規則(案)」、「個人情報の保護に関する法律についてのガイドライン(通則編)の一部を改正する告示(案)」、「個人情報の保護に関する法律についてのガイドライン(第三者提供時の確認・記録義務編)の一部を改正する告示(案)」、「個人情報の保護に関する法律についてのガイドライン(行政機関等編)の一部を改正する告示(案)」及び「個人情報の保護に関する法律についてのガイドライン(外国にある第三者への提供編)の一部を改正する告示(案)」に関する意見募集について|e-Govパブリック・コメント パブリックコメントの「「個人情報の保護に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する規則(案)」、「個人情報の保護に関する法律につい public-comment.e-gov.go.jp



  1. 昨今の個人情報漏えい等事案を踏まえ、個人情報保護法施行規則第7条第3号を一部改正(追記)し、それに伴い個人情報保護法ガイドライン(通則編)等も所要の改正を行う

  2. 個人情報保護法ガイドライン(外国にある第三者への提供編)に、事業者が保有する個人情報について政府による情報収集が可能となる制度(ガバメントアクセス)が、本人の権利利益に重大な影響を及ぼす可能性(個人情報保護法施行規則第17条第2項第2号関係)について事業者が判断するに当たっては、OECD「民間部門が保有する個人データに対するガバメントアクセスに関する宣言」(2022年)を参照することが考えられる旨を追記する


  • 当該外国の名称(第1号)

  • 適切かつ合理的な方法により得られた当該外国における個人情報の保護に関する制度に関する情報(第2号)

  • 当該第三者が講ずる個人情報の保護のための措置に関する情報(第3号)



【本人の権利利益に重大な影響を及ぼす可能性のある制度に該当する事例】 事例1)事業者に対し政府の情報収集活動への広範な協力義務を課すことにより、事業者が保有する個人情報について政府による広範な情報収集が可能となる制度




以下では、OECD「民間部門が保有する個人データに対するガバメントアクセスに関する宣言」(2022年)、つまり"OECD, Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities, OECD/LEGAL/0487"を和訳しているため参考にされたい。

ガバメントアクセスについて、より学問的にというか深いところまで知りたい場合は、西村高等法務研究所の「CLOUD Act(クラウド法)研究会報告書Ver.2.0」を参照のこと。

Background Information

The Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities was adopted by Ministers and high-level representatives of OECD Members and the European Union on 14 December 2022, on the occasion of the Ministerial meeting of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP) held in the island of Gran Canaria, Spain.

As the first intergovernmental agreement on common approaches to safeguard privacy and other human rights and freedoms when accessing personal data for national security and law enforcement purposes, it seeks to promote trust in cross-border data flows, a critical enabler of the global economy.



▶OECD work on cross-border data flows


The review of the implementation of the 1980 Recommendation concerning OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data [OECD/LEGAL/0188], completed in 2021, identified policy gaps affecting the cross-border flow of personal data, which are essential for business transactions and operations as well as for social interactions online. A critical gap identified was the lack of a common articulation at the international level of the safeguards that countries put in place to protect privacy and other human rights and freedoms when they access personal data held by private entities in the course of fulfilling their sovereign responsibilities related to national security and law enforcement.

The importance of such an articulation is two-fold: i) increase trust among rule-of-law democratic systems that, while not identical, share significant commonalities in order to support cross-border flows of personal data between them; ii) and provide a standard for how democratic, rule-of-law based systems limit and constrain government power in contrast with approaches that are unconstrained, unreasonable, arbitrary or disproportionate, in violation of human rights and in breach of international obligations.




▶Process for developing the Declaration


The CDEP began work on this topic in February 2021 following discussions at its November 2020 meeting and building on prior work and discussions of the Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy (WPDGP) in the context of the Report on implementation, dissemination and continued relevance of the Privacy Guidelines [C(2021)42].

To this end, an informal drafting group of experts, ultimately consisting of experts from 33 OECD Members and the European Union, was convened. The drafting group met 18 times in 2021-2022. Drawing on these sessions, expert and stakeholder input and two fact-finding surveys, the OECD identified seven common principles that reflect OECD Members’ existing laws and practices, and are at the heart of this Declaration.



▶Scope of the Declaration


The Declaration consists of three main sections:

1. “Legitimate government access on the basis of common values,” recognising the important role data transfers play in the global economy and recalling the rationale for government access to personal data, the importance of safeguards to protect privacy and other human rights and freedoms, and the existence of commonalities between OECD Members in this regard;

2.“Promoting trust in cross-border data flows,” reaffirming countries’ commitment to data free flow with trust, considering the principles in section three of the Declaration as an expression of their democratic values, and recognising their effective implementation by a destination country as a positive contribution towards facilitating cross-border data flows;

3.“Principles for government access to personal data held by private sector entities,” listing seven principles which reflect commonalities across OECD Members based on their existing laws and practices, and complement each other in protecting privacy and other human rights and freedoms: legal basis; legitimate aims; approvals; data handling; transparency; oversight; redress. This section further includes definition and scope for the application of these principles.







この原則は、 OECD 加盟国の既存の法律と実務に基づく共通点を反映し、プライバシーやその他人権と自由を保護する上で互いに補完しあう 7 つの原則を挙げている。つまり、①法的根拠、②正当な目的、③承認、④データ処理、⑤透明性、⑥監視/監督、⑦救済の7つの原則である。


Declaration on Government Access to Personal Data Held by Private Sector Entities

WE THE MINISTERS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union, met in the Island of Gran Canaria in Spain, on 14-15 December 2022, under the leadership of Spain as Ministerial Chair and with Denmark, Japan, Türkiye, the United Kingdom and the United States as Vice-Chairs, for the meeting of the Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP) at Ministerial level under the theme “driving long-term recovery and economic growth by building a trusted, sustainable, and inclusive digital future”.


▶Legitimate government access on the basis of common values


WE RECALL our shared commitment to upholding democracy and the rule of law, protecting privacy and other human rights and freedoms, promoting data free flow with trust in the digital economy, and maintaining a global, open, accessible, interconnected, interoperable, reliable and secure Internet.

WE RECOGNISE that ongoing digital transformation is creating more data, including personal data, as digital technologies are used across all sectors of the global economy.

WE FURTHER RECOGNISE the central role of data in the functioning of our societies and economies, and that cross-border data flows underpin international trade and global commerce and economic co-operation and development; greatly contribute to innovation and research and development across sectors; and are necessary to conduct business and to advance economic and societal goals.

WE RECALL the 1980 Recommendation concerning OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data, last revised in 2013 [OECD/LEGAL/0188] (hereafter, “OECD Privacy Guidelines”), which provides a basic common reference point for the protection of personal data, whether in the public or private sector, and promotes and facilitates the transborder flows of personal data while upholding democratic values, the rule of law and the protection of privacy and other human rights and freedoms.

WE RECOGNISE the sovereign duty and responsibility of every country to protect the safety of its population by preventing, detecting and confronting criminal activity and threats to public order and national security, in adherence to democratic values, the rule of law, and the protection of privacy and other human rights and freedoms.

WE ACKNOWLEDGE that government access to personal data held by private sector entities is recognised in our national legal frameworks as essential to meeting these sovereign duties and responsibilities, and that law enforcement and national security authorities are therefore vested with powers to lawfully access such data.

WE REJECT any approach to government access to personal data held by private sector entities that, regardless of the context, is inconsistent with democratic values and the rule of law, and is unconstrained, unreasonable, arbitrary or disproportionate. Such approaches violate privacy and other human rights and freedoms, breach international obligations, undermine trust and create a serious impediment to data flows to the detriment of the global economy. By contrast, our countries’ approach to government access is in accordance with democratic values; safeguards for privacy and other human rights and freedoms; and the rule of law including an independent judiciary. These protections also contribute to promoting trust by private sector entities in meeting their responsibilities in this context.

WE EMPHASISE, taking into account the justified exceptions to the OECD Privacy Guidelines on grounds of law enforcement and national security, the importance of enhancing trust based on a common understanding of the protections that our countries apply when accessing personal data held by private sector entities in these circumstances.

WE RECOGNISE that our existing practices and safeguards, in this regard, while not identical to one another, are founded upon similar principles that reflect a shared commitment to protecting privacy and other human rights and freedoms.

WE NOTE stakeholders’ calls for additional work and engagement to identify existing common safeguards in OECD Member countries to protect privacy and freedom of expression, and therefore promote trust, in the context of purchasing commercially available personal data, accessing publicly available personal data, and receiving voluntary disclosures of personal data by law enforcement and national security authorities.

WE REITERATE our ambition to build a shared understanding among like-minded democracies of protections for privacy and other human rights and freedoms in place for law enforcement and national security access to personal data held by private sector entities in order to better inform efforts to promote data free flow with trust.












▶Promoting trust in cross-border data flows


WE REAFFIRM our commitment to data free flow with trust as a means of providing confidence to individuals and businesses when transferring personal data internationally.

WE REGARD the below principles as an important expression of our shared democratic values and commitment to the rule of law, which distinguishes our countries from other countries whose law enforcement or national security access to personal data are inconsistent with democratic values and the rule of law, are unconstrained, unreasonable, arbitrary or disproportionate, or amount to violations of human rights.

WE RECOGNISE that where our legal frameworks require that transborder data flows are subject to safeguards, our countries take into account a destination country’s effective implementation of the principles as a positive contribution towards facilitating transborder data flows in the application of those rules.




▶Principles for government access to personal data held by private sector entities


WE DECLARE the following shared principles as reflecting commonalities drawn from OECD Members’ existing laws and practices. These principles:

●complement each other in protecting privacy and other human rights and freedoms;
●apply to government access to and processing of personal data in the possession or control of private sector entities when governments are pursuing law enforcement and national security purposes within their respective territories in accordance with their national legal framework, including situations where countries have the authority under their national legal framework to mandate that private sector entities provide data to the government when the private sector entity or data are not located within their territory (hereafter referred to as “government access”);
●are interpreted subject to national legal frameworks and may be applied by countries in different manners, depending on the specific context and circumstances, such as the type of access sought;
●should be read in light of the following definitions:
a)“Personal data” refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual.
b)“Legal framework” for government access to personal data refers to national laws, executive or judicial orders, administrative regulations, case law, and other legally binding instruments or requirements, including legal obligations arising from international and supranational law as applicable in the country.
c)“Private sector entities” refers to individuals and any non-governmental for-profit and not-for-profit organisations.



  • プライバシーやその他の人権と自由を保護する上で、相互に補完し合う

  • 政府が、自国の法的枠組みに従いその領域内で法執行や国家安全保障の目的を追求している場合において、民間企業が保有・管理する個人データへのアクセスし処理するときに適用される(自国の法的枠組みにおいて民間企業がその領域内に存在しない場合でも、当該民間企業に対し、政府へ個人データを提供するよう義務付ける権限を認めているときも含まれる)(以下「ガバメントアクセス」)

  • 各国の法的枠組みにより解釈され、例えば求められるアクセスの種類など個別具体的な文脈や状況ごとに、各国が異なる方法で適用することが可能

  • 以下の定義に従う

a) 「個人データ」とは、特定の個人又は特定可能な個人に関するあらゆる情報を指す

b) 個人データへのガバメントアクセスにかかる「法的枠組み」とは、国内法、行政命令または司法命令、行政規則、判例法、その他法的拘束力のある文書または要件を指し、その国で適用のある国際法や超国家法から生じる法的義務を含む


These principles are:

I.Legal basis

Government access to personal data held by private sector entities is provided for and regulated by the country’s legal framework, which is binding on government authorities and is adopted and implemented by democratically established institutions operating under the rule of law. The legal framework sets out purposes, conditions, limitations and safeguards concerning government access, so that individuals have sufficient guarantees against the risk of misuse and abuse.

II.Legitimate aims

Government access supports the pursuit of specified and legitimate aims. Governments seek access only for such aims, in conformity with the rule of law. Government access is carried out in a manner that is not excessive in relation to the legitimate aims and in accordance with legal standards of necessity, proportionality, reasonableness and other standards that protect against the risk of misuse and abuse, as set out in and interpreted within the country’s legal framework.

Governments do not seek access to personal data for the purpose of suppressing or burdening criticism or dissent; or disadvantaging persons or groups solely on the basis of characteristics including, but not limited to: age, mental or physical disability, ethnicity, indigenous status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or political or religious affiliation.


Prior approval (“approval”) requirements for government access are established in the legal framework to ensure that access is conducted in accordance with applicable standards, rules and processes. They are commensurate with the degree of interference with privacy and other human rights and freedoms that will occur as a result of government access. Such requirements specify the criteria for seeking and granting approval, the procedure to be followed, and the entity providing the approval.

Stricter approval requirements are in place for cases of more serious interference, and may include seeking approval from judicial or impartial non-judicial authorities. Emergency exceptions to approval requirements are provided for in the legal framework, and are clearly defined, including justifications, conditions, and duration.

Decisions on approvals are appropriately documented. They are made objectively, on a factual basis in pursuit of a specified and legitimate aim and upon satisfaction that the approval requirements are met.

In situations where approval is not required, other safeguards established in the legal framework apply to protect against misuse and abuse, including clear rules that impose conditions or limitations on the access, as well as effective oversight.

IV.Data handling

Personal data acquired through government access can be processed and handled only by authorised personnel. Such processing and handling is subject to requirements provided for in the legal framework that include putting in place physical, technical and administrative measures to maintain privacy, security, confidentiality, and integrity. They also include mechanisms to ensure that personal data are processed lawfully, are retained only for as long as authorised in the legal framework in view of the purpose and taking into account the sensitivity of the data, and are kept accurate and up to date to the extent appropriate having regard to the context.

Internal controls are put in place to detect, prevent and remedy data loss or unauthorised or accidental data access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure, and to report such instances to oversight bodies.


The general legal framework for government access is clear and easily accessible to the public so that individuals are able to consider the potential impact of government access on their privacy and other human rights and freedoms.

Mechanisms exist for providing transparency about government access to personal data that balance the interest of individuals and the public to be informed with the need to prevent the disclosure of information that would harm national security or law enforcement activities.

These mechanisms include public reporting by oversight bodies on government compliance with legal requirements as well as procedures for requesting access to government records. Other measures include, for instance, regular reporting by governments and, where applicable, individual notification.

Private sector entities are allowed to issue aggregate statistical reports regarding government access requests in conformity with the legal framework.


Mechanisms exist for effective and impartial oversight to ensure that government access complies with the legal framework.

Oversight is provided through bodies including internal compliance offices, courts, parliamentary or legislative committees and independent administrative authorities.

Countries’ oversight systems are comprised of such bodies acting according to their individual mandates and that have powers that include the ability to obtain and review relevant information, conduct investigations or inquiries, execute audits, engage with government entities on compliance and mitigation, and address non-compliance. In addition, such bodies receive and respond to reports of non-compliance to ensure that government entities are accountable, and may also exercise redress functions in response to individuals’ complaints.

In the exercise of their functions, oversight bodies are protected from interference and have the financial, human and technical resources to effectively carry out their mandate. They document their findings, produce reports, and make recommendations, which are made publicly available to the greatest extent possible.


The legal framework provides individuals with effective judicial and non-judicial redress to identify and remedy violations of the national legal framework.

Such redress mechanisms take into account the need to preserve confidentiality of national security and law enforcement activities. This may include limitations on the ability to inform individuals whether their data were accessed or whether a violation occurred.

Available remedies include, subject to applicable conditions, terminating access, deleting improperly accessed or retained data, restoring the integrity of data and the cessation of unlawful processing. They may also include, depending on the circumstances, compensation for damages suffered by an individual.

WE WELCOME the work of the OECD on data free flow with trust and WE CALL on the Organisation to support countries in their promotion of this Declaration.













ガバメントアクセスを通じて取得される個人データは、権限を与えられた担当者によってのみ処理・取扱いが行われる。このような処理と取扱いは、プライバシー・セキュリ ティ・機密性・完全性を維持するための物理的・技術的・管理的措置を講じることを含む法的枠組みに規定された要件に従う。また、個人データが適法に処理され、目的やデータの機密性を考慮して法的枠組みで認められる期間のみ保持され、状況に応じて適切な範囲で正確かつ最新の状態に保持されることを保証する仕組も含まれる。







[筆者注:透明性レポート/"Transparency Report"]











