I sat in a bar talking to the owner as she fell under the influence
of the bottle of white wine I bought for her. I like going there because she'll talk and talk and is tolerant of my poor Japanese. He ability
to make endless small talk amazes me and I think that it's perhaps an occupational skill. Usually when customers come in as the evening wears on
I enjoy trying to follow their conversation and see it as listening practice.
But this time a man entered and I instantlygot a bad vibe from him. The owner said that he was a fortune teller but that shouldn't have,
in and of itself, given me a negative vibe.
Then, yesterday, I was reading a book, a manga
called 「仄世界」which I spoke about in another
posting. I came across the expression 「。。。は何となく気に食わない」
which seemed to express an instictive dislike for someone - a
bad vibe. I often get these feelings about people and once I get the
feeling, it stays with me and little can change it.
Oh, I learned another expression from the same manga:
「いいかげんにして」which may come in handy some day
but I can't imagine when as it's pretty strong.