【 Native Camp 】SIDE by SIDE 4 page18-19

didn't do as well as うまく行きませんでした / realizes 実現 /confidently 自信をもって /
previous experience 以前の経験 /conservative clothes 保守的な服
In addition 加えて /  certainly もちろん / few things differently いくつかの違い / during the week 週の間に / Furthermore さらに、/

Reading check-up
1.Barry didn't speak confidently about himself at the interview

2.He didn't get the job because he didn't have previous experience,

3.Barry likes to go on vacation and gets sick very often.

4.Vicky didn't get a good night's sleep the night before the tournament.

5.She used her old tennis racket during the tournament.
彼女はトーナメントの間、古いらdidn't do as well as うまく行きませんでした / realizes 実現 /confidently 自信をもって /

previous experience 以前の経験 /conservative clothes 保守的な服

In addition 加えて / certainly もちろん / few things differently いくつかの違い / during the week 週の間に / Furthermore さらに、/Reading check-up

1.Barry didn't speak confidently about himself at the interview

2.He didn't get the job because he didn't have previous experience,

3.Barry likes to go on vacation and gets sick very often.

4.Vicky didn't get a good night's sleep the night before the tournament.

5.She used her old tennis racket during the tournament.

6.Vicky goes out dancing with her friends very often

What should you do if you want to do well at a job interview?
I should have talked  previous experience.
I should have asked company a year schedules
I should have worn formal suit.
I should have taken resume
I should have arrived to  before 10 minutes at a job interviews 
