【 Native Camp 】SIDE by SIDE 4 page15-17
・Evaluating people's Activities
・Job interviews
・Expressing Possibility
・Making Deductions
・Expressing Concern about
・Recounting Difficult Situations
Answer the phone 電話に出る / apologize 謝罪 / daydream 空想 / fail 失敗
/ get lost 道に迷う / get stuck in traffic 渋滞に巻き込まれる / hand over 引き渡す / oversleep 寝坊 / refuse 拒否 / shake hands 握手 / skip dessert デザートを断る / yell 叫ぶ
He Should Have Spoken louder
例) Did Richard speak loud enough at the meeting this morning?
No, he didn't. He should have spoken louder.
いいえ、彼はしませんでした。 彼はもっと大声で話すべきだった。
1.Did Gail run fast enough during the marathon?
No she didn't. She should have run faster.
2.Did Fred drive carefully enough during his driving test?
No he didn't . He should have driven test.
3.DidMr. and Mrs. Lopez get to the airport early enough?
No they didn't . They should have gotten to the airport earlier.
4.Did you and your classmates study hard enough for the science quiz?
No We don't. We should have studied harder.
5.Did Jason write legibly enough on his employment application?
No he didn't. He should have written more legibly.
※employment application 入社志願書 legibly 読みやすく
6.Did you take the cookies out of the oven soon enough?
No I didn't. I should have taken the cookies out of the oven sooner.
7.Did sally speak confidently enough at her job interview?
No she didn't. She should have spoken more confidently
※confidently 自信をもって
8.Did Brian dance well enough at the audition?
No he didn't. He should have danced better.
She shouldn't have driven to work today.
例)Why is Alice upset?
She thinks she shouldn't have driven to work today.
She should have taken the train.
1.Why is Carl upset?
He thinks he shouldn't have bought a typewriter.
He should have gotten a computer.
2. Why is Donna upset?
She thinks She shouldn't taken Advanced French last semester.
She should have taken Beginning French.
※Advanced 高度 last semester 前学期
3.Why are you upset?
I think I shouldn't have cooked vegetable stew for my guests.
I should have made a salad.
※stew シチュー
4.Why are you and your wife upset?
We think we shouldn't have seen a movie last night.
We should stayed home and watched Tv.
5.Why is Michel upset?
He thinks he shouldn't have worn jeans to a job interview today.
He should have worn a suit.
6.Why are Mr. and Mrs. Parker upset?
They think they shouldn't have gone on a safari for their vacation.
They should have gone to the beach.
7.Why is Jenifer upset?
She thinks she shouldn't have written her composition on the bus.
She should done it at home.
8.Why is Eric upset?
He thinks he shouldn't have eaten an entire cake for desert.
He should have had just one piece.
※entire cake ケーキ全体