【Native Camp 】Grammar Beginner 54
When did the movie begin ?
ago ~前に、~以前に、
例) When did you eat breakfast?
I ate breakfast an hour ago.
Is ~there? ~はいますか? / Join 参加する / miss 乗りそこなう、間に合わない / a little while ago ちょっと前に / I can make it 間に合うよ、なんとか出来るよ
1.Where is charlotte? Where is Charlotte's cell phone?
A. She's in their house. She left her phone in her apartment.
2.When did the first show begin? Did Samantha and James make it on time?
The first show began about thirty minutes ago.
A. They were late for that.
3.How long ago did the last bus leave?
When will the next com bus?
A. The last bus left ten minutes ago. The bus will come in five minutes.
following 続いて / Supply the missing answer 回答をしましょう
例) When did she eat breakfast?
She ate breakfast an hour ago.
1.When did she run the bath?
She run fifteen minutes ago.
run the bus お風呂にお湯を入れる
2.When did he do his assignment?
He did assignment a while ago.
※assignment 課題
Free Conversation
1. Talk about what you have done this month using "ago"
I bought T-shirts and Jeanes to UNIQRO discount store a month ago.
2.Ask your instructor when she / he did something using "When did you ~"
When did you go to eating out ?