【Native Camp 】Pronunciation Middle 24
"In Which Way Are You Able To Achieve More? Part 2" Words& Expression
on the other hand その一方で / rather than ~よりむしろ / focusing ~に注意,関心を集中させる / depends ~を頼る / whether どうか / productive 実りの多い , 生産的な / wa
【Native Camp 】Grammar Beginner 56
You have an allergy, don't you?
あなたはアレルギーがあるよね?Many types of tag question(色んな種類の付加疑問文)
He has a cat allergy , doesn't he?
You won't abandon that dog , will you?
【 Native Camp 】SIDE by SIDE 4 page24-27
RULE: In its present tense form, MUST has two meanings: (1) strong obligation and (2) strong probability, but in the past, it expresses only a strong probability. The past form of the modal MUST is MU
もっとみる【Native Camp 】Pronunciation Middle 23
In Which Way Are You Able To Achieve More?
Pare 1
どのようにしてより達成出来るのか?Part 1Word &Expression
achieve 成し遂げる / beneficial 有益な, ためになる / ourselves 私達自身
encouraged 元気づける,励ます / fatty 油っこい,脂肪質の alone 一人で
【Native Camp 】Grammar Beginner 55
You are lying to me, aren't you?
あなたは嘘を言ってるんですよね?Tag question(付加疑問文)
When you are certain and you want some one to agree with you
Ex)今日はいい天気ですね, そう思いませんか?
It's a beautiful day , isn't it?
【Native Camp 】Pronunciation Middle 22
Baby Elephant born in Singapore
シンガポール生まれの像の赤ちゃんcalf 幼獣 / first time 〇〇 years 〇〇年ぶりに / personality 個人, 性格
lively 生き生き,活発 / paddling pool 浅いプール
An elephant at a safari park in Singapore has given bir
【 Native Camp 】SIDE by SIDE 4 page22-23
He Could Have Gotten Lost
彼は迷子になったかもしれない例) A. If you ask me. Jack shouldn't have gone hiking by himself in the mountains.
B. You're right. He could have gotten lost.
A. もしあなたが私に尋ねるなら、ジャックは1人でハイキングに行くべ
【Native Camp 】Grammar Beginner 54
When did the movie begin ?
どのくらい前に映画が始まりましたか?ago ~前に、~以前に、
例) When did you eat breakfast?
I ate breakfast an hour ago.
Is ~there? ~はいますか? / Join 参加する / miss 乗りそこなう、間に合わない