
シド・バレット伝 一




   先に言い訳をしておくと、私の英語力は酷いものです。携帯画面を連打して(おそらくこんなことを続けていれば一年後にはこの携帯はぶち壊れているでしょう)辞書と英文を交互に見てなんとか咀嚼し和訳した文章なので間違いが多くあるかもしれない(というかあるに決まっておる)as と although が何度も出てくるが、いまだにその単語の意味を覚えていない。that構文のシステムはどうにか把握したので助かったくらいである。それから彼の二枚のソロアルバムの邦訳が『帽子が笑う...不気味に』と『その名はバレット』なのだが、わたしは個人的にこの邦訳が気色悪くて大嫌いでなのでこの記事上では原題通り1枚目を『The Madcap Laughs』2枚目を『バレット』とする。その他、一般的に日本にちなみのない地名や人名などは適当にカタカナ表記で表しすことで統一した。



シド・バレット伝 一

BGM♪Pink Floyd Early Years 1965

Roger Keith "Syd" Barrett (6 January 1946 – 7 July 2006) was an English singer, songwriter, and musician who co-founded the band Pink Floyd in 1965. Barrett named the group and was their original lead singer, guitarist and principal songwriter. He was ousted in April 1968 after David Gilmour took over as their new guitarist. Barrett was briefly hospitalised amid speculation of mental illness and his excessive use of psychedelic drugs.

   ロジャー・キース “ シド ” バレット(1946年1月6日 - 2006年7月7日)はイギリスの歌手、作曲家、1965年にピンクフロイドを創設したミュージシャン。バレットはそのバンドの名前をつけた上、リードシンガー、リードギター、そして主要な楽曲を制作した。彼は1968年4月にバンドを抜け、代わりにデヴィッド・ギルモアが新しいギタリストとして加入した。バレットは精神疾患と過剰な薬物の使用という憶測の中で一時入院した。



Barrett was musically active for less than ten years. With Pink Floyd, he recorded four singles, their debut album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967), portions of their second album A Saucerful of Secrets (1968), and several unreleased songs. Barrett debuted his solo career in 1969 with the single "Octopus" from his first solo album, The Madcap Laughs (1970). The album was recorded over the course of a year with five different producers and included two tracks featuring members of Soft Machine.

バレットのソロとしてのキャリアはファーストソロアルバム『The Madcap Laughs(1970)』からのシングル『オクトパス』を発表した1969年からである。このアルバムは5人の異なるプロデューサーと年を跨いで録音され、中にはソフト・マシーンのメンバーと関わった楽曲が二曲収められている。

He recorded and released one more album, Barrett (1970), produced by Gilmour and featuring contributions from former Pink Floyd bandmate Richard Wright. In 1972, Barrett left the music industry, retired from public life and strictly guarded his privacy until his death. In 1988, EMI released an album of unreleased tracks and outtakes, Opel, with Barrett's approval.


Barrett was known for his English-accented singing, and his innovative guitar work and use of techniques such as dissonance, distortion and feedback influenced many musicians. Pink Floyd recorded several tributes and homages to him, including the 1975 song suite "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" and the 1979 rock opera The Wall. Following his withdrawal from the industry, Barrett continued painting and dedicated himself to gardening. He died of pancreatic cancer in 2006.

   バレットは彼のイギリス訛りの歌唱と、不協和音や歪み、フィードバックをテクニックとして使用した革新的なギターワークが多くのミュージシャンに影響を与えたとして知られる。ピンクフロイドは彼に対する敬意と賛辞を込めた楽曲をいくつか録音しており、1975年の『Shine On You Crazy Diamond』の組曲や、1979年のロックオペラ『The Wall』などに収められている。業界から去って以降は、バレットは絵画とガーデニングに熱心に取り組んでいた。彼はすい臓がんにより2006年に死去した。



Barrett was born as Roger Keith Barrett in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire to a middle-class family living at 60 Glisson Road.[2][3] Barrett was the fourth of five children.[4] His father, Arthur Max Barrett, was a prominent pathologist[2][5][6] and was related to Elizabeth Garrett Anderson through Max's maternal grandmother Ellen Garrett, who was Elizabeth's cousin.[5][6] In 1951, his family moved to 183 Hills Road.[2][3]


Barrett played piano occasionally but usually preferred writing and drawing. He got a ukulele at 10, a banjo at 11[7] and a Hofner acoustic guitar at 14.[8][9] A year after he got his first acoustic guitar, he bought his first electric guitar and built his own amplifier. One story of how Barrett acquired the nickname "Syd" is that at the age of 14 he was named after an old local Cambridge jazz double bassist,[9][10] Sid "The Beat" Barrett, which claims Syd Barrett changed the spelling to differentiate himself from his namesake.[11]

   バレットは時折ピアノを弾いたが、文章を書いたり絵を描くことを好んだ。彼は10歳の時にウクレレを、11歳の時にバンジョーを、そして14歳の時にヘフナー社のアコースティックギターを手にした。彼が初めてアコースティックギターを手にしてから一年後、彼は初めてエレキギターを買い、自分自身のアンプを作った。バレットがどのようにして”シド(Syd)”の愛称を得たかという一説には、彼が14歳の頃、地元ケンブリッジにいた古いジャズベーシスト、シド”ザ・ビート”バレット(Sid “The Beat” Barrett)から、自分と区別するために名前の綴りを変えろとクレームがありSyd Barrett となったという。

Another account is that when he was 13, his schoolmates nicknamed him "Syd" after he showed up to a field day at Abington Scout site wearing a flat cap instead of his Scout beret because "Syd" was a "working-class" name.[12]


He used both names interchangeably for several years. His sister Rosemary stated, "He was never Syd at home. He would never have allowed it."[10] He was a Scout with the 7th Cambridge troop and went on to be a patrol leader.[13]


At one point at Morley Memorial Junior School he was taught by the mother of future Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters.[14] Later, in 1957, he attended Cambridgeshire High School for Boys[15] with Waters.[2] His father died of cancer on 11 December 1961,[9][16] less than a month before Barrett's 16th birthday.[17] On this date, Barrett left the entry in his diary blank.[9] By this time, his brothers and sisters had left home and his mother decided to rent out rooms to lodgers.[16][18][19]



Eager to help her son recover from his grief, Barrett's mother encouraged the band in which he played, Geoff Mott and The Mottoes, a band which Barrett formed,[9] to perform in their front room. Waters and Barrett were childhood friends, and Waters often visited such gigs.[2][9][20] At one point, Waters even organised a gig, a CND benefit at Friends Meeting House on 11 March 1962,[2] but shortly afterwards Geoff Mott joined the Boston Crabs, and the Mottoes broke up.[9]


In September 1962, Barrett had taken a place at the Cambridge Technical College art department,[21] where he met David Gilmour.[22] During the winter of 1962 and early 1963, the Beatles made an impact on Barrett, and he began to play Beatles songs at parties and at picnics. In 1963, Barrett became a Rolling Stones fan and, with then-girlfriend Libby Gausden, saw them perform at a village hall in Cambridgeshire.[22]



At this point, Barrett started writing songs; one friend recalls hearing "Effervescing Elephant" (later to be recorded on his solo album Barrett).[23] Also around this time, Barrett and Gilmour occasionally played acoustic gigs together.[24] Barrett had played bass guitar with Those Without during the summer of 1963[24][25] and both bass and guitar with The Hollerin' Blues the next summer.[24] In 1964, Barrett and Gausden saw Bob Dylan perform.[22] After this performance, Barrett was inspired to write "Bob Dylan Blues".[26] Barrett, now thinking about his future,[24] decided to apply for Camberwell College of Arts in London.[27] Barrett enrolled in the college in the summer of 1964[24] to study painting.[28]


ピンクフロイド期(1965 - 1968)


Starting in 1964, the band that would become Pink Floyd evolved through various line-up and name changes including "The Abdabs",[29][30] "The Screaming Abdabs",[30] "Sigma 6",[30][31] and "The Meggadeaths".[30] In 1965, Barrett joined them as the Tea Set[30][32] (sometimes spelled T-Set).[33] When they found themselves playing a concert with another band of the same name, Barrett came up with "The Pink Floyd Sound" (also known as "The Pink Floyd Blues Band",[33] later "The Pink Floyd").[nb 1] During 1965, they went into a studio for the first time, when a friend of Richard Wright's gave the band free time to record.[nb 2][32]

   1964年のはじめ、のちにピンクフロイドとなるそのバンドはさまざまなラインナップと、バンド名を徐々に発展させていた(「ザ・アブダブズ」「ザ・スクリーミング・アブダブズ」「シグマ・シックス」「ザ・メガデス」)。1965年、バレットは「ザ・ティー・セットThe Tea Set(綴りはときどきT-Setになったりした)」という名前の彼らのバンドに加入した。彼らがプレイするあるコンサートで同じ名前のバンドを見つけたとき、バレットが「ザ・ピンク・フロイド・サウンド」(ピンク・フロイド・ブルース・バンド、のちにピンク・フロイドとして知られる)を思いついた。1965年のあいだ、彼らは初めてスタジオに行ったとき、リチャード・ライトの友人の一人が彼らに自由に録音できる時間を与えた。

During this summer Barrett had his first LSD trip in the garden of friend Dave Gale,[40][41] with Ian Moore and Storm Thorgerson.[nb 3][40] During one trip, Barrett and another friend, Paul Charrier, ended up naked in the bath, reciting: "No rules, no rules".[42] That summer, as a consequence of the continuation of drug use, the band became absorbed in Sant Mat, a Sikh sect. Storm Thorgerson (then living on Earlham Street) and Barrett went to a London hotel to meet the sect's guru; Thorgerson managed to join the sect, while Barrett, however, was deemed too young to join. Thorgerson perceives this as a deeply important event in Barrett's life, as he was intensely upset by the rejection. While living within proximity of his friends, Barrett decided to write more songs ("Bike" was written around this time).[36]


   この夏のあいだにバレットは庭で友達のデイブ・ゲイル、イアン・ムーア、ストーム・トガーソンたちと彼自身初めてとなるLSD体験をした。トリップしている間、バレットは別の友人のポール・キャリアと、終わる頃には裸で浴槽におり、「ノー・ルール、ノー・ルール」と呟いていた。とある夏、薬物使用の継続の結果としてバンドはSant Mat,Sikh sect【注、ヨガやハーブから神秘体験を得て意識を拡張するという当時流行りのヤバめのやつか?】に夢中になった。



While Pink Floyd began by playing cover versions of American R&B songs,[43] by 1966 they had carved out their own style of improvised rock and roll,[44][45] which drew as much from improvised jazz.[46] After Bob Klose departed from the band, the band's direction changed. However, the change was not instantaneous,[nb 4] with more improvising on the guitars and keyboards.[36] Drummer Nick Mason reflected, "It always felt to me that most of the ideas were emanating from Syd at the time."[nb 5][36]


At this time, Barrett's reading reputedly included: Grimm's Fairy Tales, Tolkien's The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, Carlos Castaneda's The Teachings of Don Juan,[clarification needed] and The I-Ching. During this period, Barrett wrote most of the songs for Pink Floyd's first album, and also songs that would later appear on his solo albums.[49] In 1966, a new rock concert venue, the UFO (pronounced as "you-foe"),[51] opened in London and quickly became a haven for British psychedelic music. Pink Floyd, the house band,[47][51][52][53] was its most popular attraction and after making appearances at the rival Roundhouse,[53][54][55] became the most popular musical group of the "London Underground" psychedelic music scene.[8]



By the end of 1966, Pink Floyd had gained a reliable management team in Andrew King and Peter Jenner.[56] Towards the end of October 1966, Pink Floyd, with King and Jenner, set up Blackhill Enterprises, to manage the group's finances. Blackhill was staffed by lodgers Jenner found in his Edbrooke Road house, and among others, Barrett's flatmate, Peter Wynne Wilson (who became road manager, however, since he had more experience in lighting, he was also lighting assistant).[57] King and Jenner wanted to prepare some demo recordings for a possible record deal, so at the end of October, they booked a session at Thompson Private Recording Studio,[53] in Hemel Hempstead.[nb 6][57] King said of the demos: "That was the first time I realised they were going to write all their own material, Syd just turned into a songwriter, it seemed like overnight."[58]


King and Jenner befriended American expatriate Joe Boyd, the promoter of the UFO Club, who was making a name for himself as one of the more important entrepreneurs on the British music scene. The newly hired booking agent, Bryan Morrison, and Boyd had proposed sending in better quality recordings. From Morrison's agency the band played a gig outside London for the first time.[59]

   キングとジェナーはアメリカを国外追放されたジョー・ボイドというUFO Clubのプロモーターと仲良くなった、彼はイギリスのミュージックシーンの中でとても重要な起業家の一人として自身の名を売っているところだった。

In November, the band performed the first (of many) strangely named concerts: Philadelic Music for Simian Hominids, a multimedia event arranged by the group's former landlord, Mike Leonard, at Hornsey College of Art.[53][59] They performed at the Free School[60] for the following two weeks, before performing at the Psychodelphia Versus Ian Smith event at the Roundhouse in December, arranged by the Majority Rule for Rhodesia Campaign, and an Oxfam benefit at the Albert Hall[53] (the band's biggest venue up to this point).[59]


Tonite Lets All Make Love In London

At the beginning of 1967, Barrett was dating Jenny Spires (who would later marry future Stars member Jack Monck). However, unknown to Barrett, Spires had an affair with Peter Whitehead. Spires convinced Whitehead (who thought the band sounded like "bad Schoenberg") to use Pink Floyd in a film about the swinging London scene.[61] So at the cost of £80 (equivalent to £1,426 in 2018[62]), in January, Whitehead took the band into John Wood's Sound Techniques in Chelsea,[63] with promoter Joe Boyd in tow.[61] Here, the band recorded a 16-minute version of "Interstellar Overdrive" and another composition, "Nick's Boogie".[61][63] Whitehead had filmed this recording, which was used in the film Tonite Let's All Make Love in London[63] and later on the video release of London '66–'67.[61][63] Whitehead later commented about the band that: "They were just completely welded together, just like a jazz group".[61]

80ポンドのコストがかかったが(2018年でいう1426ポンド)、1月、ウィザーヘッドはバンドを「ジョン・ウッドのサウンド・テクニーク・イン・チェルシー」にプロモーターであるジョー・ボイドとともに引き連れた。ここで、バンドは16分バージョンの「星空のドライブ」と、別の編曲での「ニックス・ブギー」を録音した。ウィザーヘッドはこの録音模様をフィルム撮影し、映画「Tonite Lets All Make Love In London」に使用したあと、ビデオ作品「London ‘66-‘67」として発売した。



Boyd attempted to sign the band with Polydor Records.[50][64] However, Morrison had convinced King and Jenner to try to start a bidding war between Polydor and EMI.[64] In late January, Boyd produced a recording session for the group,[50][56] with them returning to Sound Techniques in Chelsea again.[nb 7][50][66] After the bidding war idea was finished, Pink Floyd signed with EMI. Unusual for the time, the deal included recording an album, which meant the band had unlimited studio time at EMI Studios in return for a smaller royalty percentage. The band then attempted to re-record "Arnold Layne", but the Boyd version from January was released instead.[65]


The band's first studio album, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, was recorded intermittently between February and July 1967 in Studio 3 at Abbey Road Studios, and produced by former Beatles engineer Norman Smith.[67] By the time the album was released on 4 August, "Arnold Layne" (which was released months earlier, on 11 March) had reached number 20 on the British singles charts[68] (despite being banned by Radio London)[65][69] and the follow-up single, "See Emily Play", had done even better, peaking at number 6.[68] The album was successful in the UK, hitting number 6 on the British album charts.[68] Their first three singles (including their third, "Apples and Oranges"), were written by Barrett, who also was the principal visionary/author of their critically acclaimed 1967 debut album. Of the eleven songs on Piper, Barrett wrote eight and co-wrote another two.[



Through late 1967 and early 1968, Barrett became increasingly erratic, partly as a consequence of his reported heavy use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD.[8] There is also speculation that he suffered from schizophrenia. Once described as joyful, friendly, and extroverted, he became increasingly depressed and socially withdrawn, and experienced hallucinations, disorganized speech, memory lapses, intense mood swings, and periods of catatonia.[4] Although the changes began gradually, he went missing for a long weekend and, according to several friends, including Wright, came back "a completely different person."[4]


One of the striking features of his change was the development of a blank, dead-eyed stare. He did not recognise old friends, and often did not know where he was; while on a tour of Los Angeles, Barrett is said to have exclaimed, "Gee, it sure is nice to be in Las Vegas!"[4] Many reports described him on stage, strumming one chord through the entire concert, or not playing at all.[71] At a show at The Fillmore in San Francisco, during a performance of "Interstellar Overdrive", Barrett slowly detuned his guitar. The audience seemed to enjoy such antics, unaware of the rest of the band's consternation.



Interviewed on Pat Boone's show during this tour, Barrett's reply to Boone's questions was a "blank and totally mute stare"; according to Mason, "Syd wasn't into moving his lips that day." Barrett exhibited similar behaviour during the band's first appearance on Dick Clark's popular TV show American Bandstand.[72] Although surviving footage of this appearance shows Barrett miming his parts of the song competently,[73] during a group interview afterwards, when asked two questions by Clark, Barrett's answers were terse, almost to the point of rudeness (though, Clark noted, they had flown non-stop from London to Los Angeles). During this time, Barrett would often forget to bring his guitar to sessions, damage equipment and occasionally was unable to hold his pick.[74] Before a performance in late 1967, Barrett reportedly crushed Mandrax tranquilliser tablets and a tube of Brylcreem into his hair, subsequently which melted down his face under the heat of the stage lighting,[75] making him look like "a guttered candle".[76] Mason disputed the Mandrax portion of this story, stating that "Syd would never waste good mandies".[77]

During their UK tour with Jimi Hendrix in November 1967, guitarist David O'List from The Nice substituted for Barrett on several occasions when he was unable to perform or failed to appear.[78] Sometime around Christmas, Barrett's schoolfriend David Gilmour was asked to join the band as a second guitarist to cover for Barrett, with the idea of retaining a five-member line-up of the band. For a handful of shows, Gilmour played and sang while Barrett wandered around on stage, occasionally joining the playing. The other band members soon grew tired of Barrett's antics and, on 26 January 1968, when Waters was driving on the way to a show at Southampton University, the band elected not to pick Barrett up: one person in the car said, "Shall we pick Syd up?" and another said, "Let's not bother."[79][80][81][82] As Barrett had, up until then, written the bulk of the band's material, the initial plan was to keep him in the group as a non-touring member—as the Beach Boys had done with Brian Wilson—but this proved impractical.[81][83][84] Gilmour subsequently became a full-time member of the band.

   1967年の11月にジミ・ヘンドリックスとイギリスツアーを回っているあいだ、バレットがたびたびわけのわからない演奏をしたり出演をすっぽかした時は代わりにザ・ナイスのデイビッド・オーリストがギターを弾いた。クリスマスの前後になると、バレットの学友であったデイビッド・ギルモアがバンドから、バレットをカバーするためにもセカンドギタリストとして加入しないかと打診され、この五人のメンバーでバンドを持続するという案が保持された。一握りのショウのためにも、ギルモアはバレットがステージ上で奇妙な行動をしているあいだは歌い演奏し、たびたびバンドに参加した。いよいよほかのメンバーたちがバレットのおふざけに耐えきれなくなったのは、1968年の1月26日、サウスハンプトン大学でのショウへ向かってウォーターズが運転しているときだった、バンドはバレットを迎えにいかないことを選んだ。車の中である一人が言った「シドは迎えにいくか?」別の誰かが言った「もう気にしなくていいさ」バレットとしては、それまでは、バンドの一員として楽曲の大半を書いた、初期計画としては彼をツアーに帯同しないメンバーとして残しておくつもりだったが -ビーチ・ボーイズのブライアン・ウィルソンのように- しかしながらこれは実行不可能と証明された。その後はギルモアがバンドのフルタイムメンバーとなった。

According to Waters, Barrett came to what was to be their last practice session with a new song he had dubbed "Have You Got It Yet?" The song seemed simple enough when he first presented it, but it soon became impossibly difficult to learn; they eventually realised that while they were practising it, Barrett kept changing the arrangement.[81][84] He would then play it again, with the arbitrary changes, and sing "Have you got it yet?" Eventually, they realised they never would, and that they were simply bearing the brunt of Barrett's idiosyncratic sense of humour.[85] Waters called it "a real act of mad genius".[81][84]


Barrett did not contribute material to the band after A Saucerful of Secrets was released in 1968. Of the songs he wrote for Pink Floyd after The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, only one, "Jugband Blues", made it to the band's second album; "Apples and Oranges", became a less-than-successful single; and two others, "Scream Thy Last Scream" and "Vegetable Man", were never officially released until 2016 in The Early Years 1965–1972 box set, as they were deemed too dark and unsettling.[4] Feeling guilty for ousting their friend, the members of Pink Floyd were unable to bring themselves to definitively tell Barrett that he was no longer in the band.[4]


   バレットは1968年に発売されたバンドのセカンドアルバム『神秘』のあとからは何一つ貢献しなかった。彼が『夜明けの口笛吹き』以降にピンクフロイドで書いた楽曲はただ一つ「ジャグバンド・ブルース」のみであり、バンドのセカンドアルバム用に作られた。「アップルズ・アンド・オレンジズ」はシングルとしてはうまくいかなかった。そのほかの二曲、「スクリーム・サイ・ラスト・スクリーム」と「ベジタブル・マン」はあまりに暗く不安を煽ると思われ、2016年に『The Early Years 1965 - 1972 box set』として発売されるまでは公式にはリリースされなかった。彼らの友人であったバレットを追い出したことに罪の意識を感じていたピンクフロイドのメンバーたちは、彼がバンドから居なくなってからも長い間バレットにしっかりと伝えることができなかった。


According to Rick Wright, who lived with Barrett at the time, Wright had the awful job of telling Barrett that he was going out to buy cigarettes while he went off to play a gig. He would return hours later to find Barrett in the same position, sometimes with a cigarette burned completely down between his fingers (an incident later referenced in Pink Floyd's The Wall).[4] Emerging from catatonia and unaware that a long period of time had elapsed, Barrett would ask, "Have you got the cigarettes?".[4] Barrett supposedly spent time outside the recording studio, in the reception area,[86] waiting to be invited in.


He also showed up to a few gigs and glared at Gilmour. Barrett played slide guitar on "Remember a Day" (which had been first attempted during the Piper sessions), and also played on "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun".[87] On 6 April 1968, the group officially announced Barrett was no longer a member,[86] the same day the band's contract with Blackhill Enterprises was terminated. Considering Barrett to be the musical brains of the band, Blackhill Enterprises retained Barrett.[4][81][88]





