
Child Disability Allowance, 児童障害手当

息子がSpecialist, 専門医にかかって正式にというか、ASD=Autism, Speech Disabilityと診断されたその時に医師からChild Disability Allowance,児童障害手当とDisability Allowance,障害手当の申請用紙をもらって、すぐWork and Incomeに行ったんだよね、提出しに。
Child Disability Allowance,児童障害手当は一律52.70ドル/週って決まってて、これが二週間毎に親の口座に支払われる。
Disability Allowance,障害手当は通院の頻度や処方箋によりけりだから金額はそれに併せて、これも親の口座に。

The Acceptable Standards of Health settings are used by New Zealand immigration services and are designed to block migrants from settling here if they are living with certain disabilities.
Officials make their decisions based on the expense to the taxpayer. Most disabled migrants - including children - are not allowed to stay if their condition is likely to cost the health system more than $81,000 over five years.
ACT leader David Seymour argued the current conditions - with the cap of $81,000 over five years - was "actually correct". He felt it was fair protection for New Zealanders as there are limited resources to help Kiwis with disabilities."
"It's heart-breaking but anyone who denies that there's a difficult choice for the country to make is not being honest," he said.
"I would like to say New Zealand can welcome people with no conditions, but we have to be honest and say that makes it harder to help those people who are already residents and citizens living with a disability in New Zealand."

ACT leader David Seymour. (Source: 1News)




これに似たような発言がthe Netherlands,オランダでもありて。
the Netherlandsは移民が増えたと言うよりも難民が増えた、から、ねぇ。

the Netherlands PM Mark Rutte

"Act normal or go away", 普通にできないのなら出ていけ!
PM Markは国民一番の人だから、チューリップ畑やその近隣を観光客が荒らしてると知ったらすぐ【観光客立入禁止】にしたり、住民から苦情が出ればAsylum Seekers, 庇護申請希望者専用バスを【有料】で出したりと仕事が早くもそれで多くの反感をかってしまってたりして。
この言葉も、宗教上だろうが民族的なことだろうが、全くこのthe Netherlandsに馴染むつもりがないばかりか自分たちのそういうのを逆に押し付けてくるようであればもう出ていってくれて結構だと。

Human Rightsとthe Life of the people, どちらも大事だけど何事にも限りがあるのも事実──


