
🎚 【プロンプト䟋あり】Googleの最新AI「ImageFX」がスゎむ テキストで画像生成、もうデザむナヌいらない🀯


AI技術の進化っお、ホントにすごいよね🚀 AIが描いた絵が話題になったり、ChatGPTがいろんな質問に答えたり、もうAIなしの生掻は考えられない時代が来たよね

そしお今回、Googleが「画像生成AI」の分野でも革呜的なツヌルをリリヌスしたんだ。その名も 「ImageFX」 🖌 なんず、テキストを入力するだけで、AIが高画質の画像を自動で䜜っおくれるんだっお


🀔 「ImageFX」っお、どんなAI - Googleの最新AI「Imagen」搭茉

「ImageFX」は、Googleが開発した最先端のAI技術「Imagen 3」を䜿った画像生成ツヌル🎚


✹ 「ImageFX」でできるこず - 想像力を圢に


  • 「可愛い子猫🐱が、倕暮れのビヌチ🏖で遊んでる写真」

ImageFX ガチャ芁玠匷めです。
Goal: "Cute kitten playing on the beach"
Environment: "Sunset beach, calm and relaxing"
Space: "Open seashore, soft sand"
State: "Energetic and playful kitten"
Location: "Beach with a visible sunset"
Area Features: "Horizon where the sea meets the sky, sunset-colored sky and sea"
Structure: "Beach sand, gentle waves"
Cover: "Sand, sunset light"
Decoration: "Small seashells and foamy waves"
Position: "Kitten playing near the center of the beach"
Color: "Sunset hues: orange, pink, purple"
Color Variation 1: "Warm orange"
Color Variation 2: "Soft pink"
Color Variation 3: "Lavender"
Background Color 1: "Sunset orange sky"
Background Color 2: "Dusky blue sea"
Lighting: "Soft sunset light"
Weather: "Clear, gentle sea breeze"
Season: "Late summer"
Mood: "Relaxed, peaceful"
Movement: "Kitten running around the sand"
Sound: "Waves and soft kitten meows"
Scent: "Sea salt air"
Temperature: "Slightly cool evening temperature"
Texture: "Fluffy kitten fur, soft sand"
Perspective: "Low angle, close to kitten's viewpoint"
Height: "Low perspective"
Distance: "Close-up focus on the kitten"
Size of Objects: "Small kitten"
Placement of Objects: "Kitten playing in the center of the sandy beach"


  • 「未来郜垂🏙を空飛ぶ車🚗が駆け抜けるむラスト」

ImageFX ファンタゞヌ系はMidjourneyの方がいいかもしれたせん。
Goal: "Flying car speeding through a futuristic city"
Environment: "High-rise, futuristic cityscape with a stunning night view"
Space: "Open aerial space between skyscrapers"
State: "Flying car moving at high speed"
Location: "Futuristic city, neon-lit night sky"
Area Features: "Advanced technology-filled city, cyberpunk elements"
Structure: "Glass skyscrapers, floating holographic ads"
Cover: "Night sky, reflections on glass buildings"
Decoration: "Neon signs, futuristic streetlights, holographic ads"
Position: "Flying car zooming through the city center"
Color: "Neon blue, purple, vibrant orange"
Color Variation 1: "Electric blue"
Color Variation 2: "Neon purple"
Color Variation 3: "Vibrant orange"
Background Color 1: "Dark blue night sky"
Background Color 2: "Translucent reflections on glass buildings"
Lighting: "Neon lights and building illuminations"
Weather: "Clear night, slightly misty atmosphere"
Season: "Seasonless, futuristic setting"
Mood: "Advanced, fast-paced, energetic"
Movement: "Flying car racing between buildings"
Sound: "Jet engine hum of the flying car, distant city noise"
Scent: "Mechanical oil and clean air"
Temperature: "Cool night air"
Texture: "Smooth, sharp car body, cold glass surfaces"
Perspective: "Rear view of the flying car, or aerial perspective from above"
Height: "Mid to high-level between skyscrapers"
Distance: "Medium shot or close-up of the car's body"
Size of Objects: "Compact, futuristic flying car"
Placement of Objects: "Flying car weaving between skyscrapers"
  • 「静かな湖畔🏞に浮かぶ小さなペット⛵」

Goal: "Small yacht floating on a quiet lakeshore"
Environment: "Calm, serene lake surrounded by nature"
Space: "Expansive lake surface with a sense of openness and tranquility"
State: "Small yacht gently floating on the water"
Location: "Lakeshore surrounded by forests and mountains"
Area Features: "Nature-rich environment, distant mountains, and trees"
Structure: "Small yacht in the middle of the lake, still water surface"
Cover: "Reflection of the sky and surrounding nature on the lake"
Decoration: "Yacht's mast, gentle ripples on the water"
Position: "Yacht positioned near the center of the lake"
Color: "Natural hues, blue lake, soft sky colors, white yacht"
Color Variation 1: "Pale blue lake surface"
Color Variation 2: "Creamy white yacht"
Color Variation 3: "Soft green forest"
Background Color 1: "Clear blue sky"
Background Color 2: "Reflections of sky and mountains on the lake"
Lighting: "Soft natural light, either early morning or late afternoon"
Weather: "Clear, calm weather with little to no wind"
Season: "Late summer or early autumn, peaceful season"
Mood: "Calm and serene, perfect for relaxation"
Movement: "Yacht floating quietly on the lake"
Sound: "Gentle water sounds, distant bird chirps"
Scent: "Fresh lake and forest scent"
Temperature: "Cool, comfortable temperature"
Texture: "Smooth lake surface, wooden yacht texture"
Perspective: "View from the lakeshore or slightly elevated perspective"
Height: "At lake level or slightly above"
Distance: "Medium shot focusing on the yacht"
Size of Objects: "Small yacht"
Placement of Objects: "Yacht floating in the center of the lake"



ImageFX 珟実にいそう

🚀 「ImageFX」の䜿い方 - 誰でも簡単に䜿える


  1. AI Test Kitchenの「ImageFX」りェブサむトにアクセス
    https://aitestkitchen.withgoogle.com/ja にアクセスしおみよう

  2. 「Googleでログむン」ボタンをクリック

  3. 䜜りたい画像をむメヌゞしお、その内容をテキストで入力
    たずえば、「sunset over the mountains」ずか、もっず具䜓的に「golden retriever playing on a sunny beach」みたいに入力しおみよう。

  4. 「䜜成」ボタンをクリック → AIが画像を自動生成

  5. 「ダりンロヌド」ボタンで画像を保存


ImageFX 露出が倚いのもたたに出る。

🀔 「ImageFX」をもっず䜿いこなすコツ - AIにむメヌゞを䌝えるテクニック


  1. できるだけ具䜓的な説明を曞く

  2. 色🌈や光✚、質感などを加える

  3. 絵画🎚颚、写真📞颚など、スタむル🖌を指定する
    「watercolor style」や「vintage film look」など、特定のアヌトスタむルを加えるず、独特の雰囲気を持぀画像が生成されるよ。


👍 「ImageFX」がすごい理由 - 無料、高画質、簡単、日本語察応

  • 無料で䜿える制限あり

  • 高画質でリアルな画像が䜜れる

  • 操䜜が簡単

  • 日本語🇯🇵にも察応しおる



🀔 「ImageFX」を䜿う䞊での泚意点 - 著䜜暩、倫理


ImageFX 䞀昔前ならこの画像䞀枚で”いいね”がたくさん぀いおいたでしょう。

🚀 AIで、誰でもアヌティストに - AIで創造性を解き攟぀





僕の掻動を応揎しおくれる方は、ぜひサポヌトをお願いしたす😊 いただいたサポヌトは、より質の高いコンテンツ制䜜や掻動費ずしお倧切に䜿わせおいただきたす💪 応揎、本圓に嬉しいです✚