
Day72 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-初!海外の美容室で髪切ってみたー!!


Today's episodes

・Having hair cut in a foreign country
・Walking around Invercargill
・Today is my turn to cook dinner

Yesterday, I couldn't upload my diary because I was very tired. So I finished it in the morning.

I decided to try one challenge today. It was to have a haircut in Invercargill. I usually have my haircut every three months. The last time was before I came to NZ. So this month should be the timing. In fact, I have been bothering my hairstyle these days. But I've never had a haircut in a foreign country before. I think having a haircut in a foreign country is a kind of challenging thing, especially in a small local town. However, I was interested in doing it.
I looked up some hair salon which has the highest review on Google map. It was "ave a cut" in the centre of Invercargill. I walked there after lunch.

When I entered the hair salon, no one talked to me. They looked at me a little bit but didn't care about me. I was like "OMG, I'm nervous. They're obviously not familiar with Asians.". I had a seat for a while, and then one staff member said "Who's next?" and I said, "It's me.". Actually, they weren't kind to me. The attitude was cold, and we had no conversation anymore. But it was OK, I think they just didn't be familiar with Japanese. The hairstyle was good, I liked it. So all good! It was a really nice experience. The price was $28, it was almost the same as the Japanese one.

After that, I took a walk around the centre of Invercargill. I needed to buy some groceries for dinner as well. It was a total of over two hours of walking.
Today's dinner menu was meat sauce spaghetti. It was easy to make for three. I could make it very well. Dawn and Yuya said to me, "The taste is good. Thank you!". It's my pleasure.

After dinner, we did karaoke with drinking. Also, we called Shota who was Dawn's student in the past and my friend on Hateruma Island. I was happy to see him  fine.

Anyway, I could accomplish another challenge like a haircut in NZ. It means a lot to me. I'm going to have a piercing tomorrow. This is also my first experience in my life. I'll keep trying some new things!

我慢できずに勢いで行ってきました。美容室 in 海外!


タトゥーもそやけどこっちやとめっちゃカジュアルなファッションであるBody Piercing。ドーンが「あんたたちピアスもタトゥーも入れないでNZのワカモノなの?!明日開けに行くよ!!」的なテンションでもう店予約してくれてたwww

