
Day100(祝!) ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-節目に起きる奇跡。忘れられない一日!


It's reached 100 posts! I can't believe it. It's incredible!!
I've never thought I could write in my diary literally every day. But I was able to do that because this is excellent practice writing English and I can look back on my day also since many people read it and were looking forward to it. I'm going to continue writing as possible as I can.

Today, one miracle happened. It was indeed a fitting day for the 100th day.
When I was about to finish my work, I heard someone speak Japanese like "冷えたビールないんかねぇ/ I wonder if they have any cold beer.". It was my first time to hear customers speaking Japanese. So, I talked to them "ありますよ〜/ Yes, we do.". They were very surprised lol. And then we chatted for a while.
I asked them where they were from, therefore they came from Osaka. But it wasn't just Osaka, they seemed to live in the same area my family lived in! What a coincidence! We were so excited as we realized that our hometown was really close. We talked about a quite local topic lol. Meeting someone who is from the same area in New Zealand, even in Kaikoura. It wasn't anything but a miracle. We took a photo together and shared an email address. I was glad to see them.
After work, I called my grandparents and texted my family about that. They were laughing. The distance between our family house and the customer's house is only three minutes or something lol. They might see each other one day.
Such a memorial day was today. I won't forget about today ever.
I hope they enjoy Kaikoura and will be safe until they go back to Japan.

そこから立ち話、何気にどこからいらしたんですかって聞いたら大阪「え!僕も大阪です」「大阪のどこ?」「地元は東大阪なんですけど、今実家は〇〇ってとこにあります」「は!?うちらもそこからきたで!?」「ウソでしょ、〇〇の**町です」「一緒!!」「++に住んでます!!!!」「イッショオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオオキャアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアア」New World 中に聞こえるんちゃうかくらい叫ぶおばちゃん。いや実際かなり興奮した。笑




