
Day105 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-生産性が高いチルな日。


Today was so chilled out. I watched three movies and dramas. Visiting cafes, sports shops, apparel and beach etc… I had a sushi box and a beer  at lunchtime. I made delicious pasta for dinner. It was a perfect day as yesterday!

Also, I found a job vacancy for the Sudima Hotel Kaikoura. I already applied for it last month, but they didn't have any vacancies at that time.
My current contract at New World is going to expire on 2nd December. I might be able to continue my current job, but I applied for the Sudima just in case. They have higher wages than New World and some staff discount things. It is attractive for me. After a few minutes, since I applied online, they sent me a message. I have a job interview appointment for next Monday.
Furthermore, right after submitting the application for the Sudima, one restaurant texted me. It is a restaurant in the West End, actually next to my flat. Apparently, my application email was sorted into the spam box, so they didn't notice my email. They seem to be looking for a kitchen staff. We texted for a while, but I live in the next building so I just popped in there and talked to the manager. They understood my situation and agreed to send a message after making sure of the New World and the Sudima stuff. I'm glad something is going forward today.

My workdays are starting again tomorrow as usual.
Take care, everyone~


