Day150 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-論文1日1本ノック!
I learned two phrases today. First, "That's what I told you this morning". Second, "Everything that I wanted". The first one was my co-worker's phrase when I misunderstood his message. The second one was the other one's phrase. They talked about Christmas presents.
I listen carefully to all conversations around me in my work. Everything is going to be my knowledge. I can immerse myself in English. That's great!
I started to read a paper about marine mammals every day. I'll try to do that as one of my routines. When it comes to being a member of KORI, I need to learn more about marine mammals constantly.
しかしまだ"How are you?"カルチャーに慣れてないのもやっとした朝だったわ…すぐにキレイに返せない。How are you?のときもあれば、How's it going?もあるし。Sup, bro. パターンもおる。返せたとしても、相手にも聞いてあげるまでできひんときもある。なんで染み込まへんねやろな〜もうちょい時間かかるかな〜そこまで深く考えてないけど。会話の切り出し口であるこの挨拶をいろんなんパターンに対して華麗にこなせるようになりたい。