
Day114 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-仕事を選べる状況になるとは。



Yesterday, I couldn't write anything because I was exhausted. I'm still fine rather than yesterday.

I had a job interview at the Sudima Hotel before work yesterday. I already had a chat via phone on Monday. We felt good about each other, so the interview was fixed. They offered me three continuous days off and $26 wages. It sounded perfect for me. As the next step, I needed to submit two references. One of them should be someone from my workplace, and the other one should be someone who knows me very well.
I asked the New World owner about it during my work. Apparently, he thought that I was going to stay there after expiring my current contract. So he was very surprised. Well, I didn't know that I could continue to work at New World, and I just wanted to consider other options. But he looked so sad and asked me if we could have a chat about it. According to his suggestion, they were going to offer me a new contract. In addition, he said they might offer anything I wanted as much as they could including three continuous days off and higher wages than Sudima. This was completely unexpected lol. I didn't know  they wanted me to stay so much. It's my pleasure, I was touched. In fact, they already gave me one more day off next week even though I have my current contract lol.
It was very hard to decide which I should choose yesterday. I was confused because I had a lot of information. But I would continue to work at New World so far. I talked with some friends about my situation, then I was able to clear my mind. I'd like to keep it tight to the human relationship which I already have in my workplace. Also, my current job is suiter than a room cleaning job in a hotel. I think it's a really precious thing that the employer wants me to stay on the job with a new good contract.

There were two things that I learned yesterday. First, talking with someone about something makes my mind clear. I can make sure my mind by myself and feel better. Second, the human relationship is the highest priority in my life. I already knew both of them. But I reconfirmed it. That's my policy.

I'll tell my manager about the new contract in a few days. I'm glad to tell him about it. Seeya.

昨日書けなかったSudimaの面接と、その後のNew Worldのオーナーとのやりとりについて書いてみました。考えれば考えるほどありがたい話よなと思います。


