Day126 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-NZついた当時真冬の気温と変わらない朝だったんですが12月???
I don't need winter any more, not gonna lie!! Although it was over 25℃ yesterday, it was 11℃ this morning! Can you believe it? I've understood the climate in NZ. The summer as I know in Japan doesn't come in this country. I need a jacket anytime, anywhere just in case. No one can guess the weather. It is possible to be changing every second, every day.
It was hard to wake up this morning due to the low temperature. I managed to go outside and visit the Japanz Bakery. I was after a curry puff. I realized that curry puff is the original bread in Japan. It was very good. I also had a ham & cream cheese bread.
I just looked around the mall, then I headed to the Tauranga library. This is one of my favourite places. I read a book about the post-war relationship between Japan and NZ. Thousands of volunteers seemed to come to Japan. I recently have an interest in Japanese history as a Japanese. I'd like to study it more.
After that, I caught up with Mio. We had lunch and went to the Art gallery. Then we grabbed a beer of course lol! We missed Itsuki. We need to gather again soon!
I'm going to the Riccarton mall and buy some groceries tomorrow. I hope it gets warmer than today. Seeya!
なんとか宿を出て向かうはJapanzベーカリー!この名前Japan'sとJapan NZをかけてるよね。お目当てはカレーパンでした。美味かった…これも日本の味なんだよなぁ。すっかり食のためにチャーチに出てきてる感ある過ごし方です。