
Day82 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-朝5時まで寝られない呪い。


I couldn't sleep well at all… I don't know why, but it often happens. Especially today was awful. I was up until 5 a.m., even though I worked hard for eight hours and was extremely tired.
I think one of the reasons is looking at smartphones or PC too much. I'll avoid looking at those electrical devices at least a half hour before bed.

Today was the last day I was able to work with my tutor. He is going on holiday for six weeks.
Unexpectedly, my muscular pain was gone. I might get super recovered haha.

I ordered a meal for dinner at Thai Kai which was my previous workplace. I got a NAM TOK, beef with some spices and herbs. I love it!

Tomorrow, some friends I met at a party in CHC are going to come to Kaikoura. I can't wait!


今日の英語補はー、"I'm getting used to it."
そういえば日本語で言うところの単純作業とか作業ゲーは"repetetive work / task"というらしい。

