
Day90 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-満足度高いNZワーホリの休日はこうだ。


Today's episodes

・There was no way I could watch the rugby final game.
・Chilling out at the beach with a good seafood pie.
・Horse rase in Kaikoura
・Telephone night

I was looking forward to today. My day off!
Although I didn't need to wake up early, I woke up at 8:00 a.m. without the alarm. It seems to become my routine.

Today was the final game of Rugby World Cup at 8:00 a.m. But I don't have a TV in my flat, and there are not any sports pubs or something in Kaiokura. So I couldn't watch it. In fact, there was only one pub where people were watching the game, but it was needed to have a reservation.

Instead of it, I went to the Why Not Cafe to grab a coffee. I bought a seafood pie as well. I wanted to try it. I brought them to the beach. I had a great morning time.

I just chilled out in the living room until afternoon. From 3:30 p.m., there was a big horse race in Kaikoura. I was interested in it, so I walked there. Despite it being so windy today, there were tons of cars and people there. I had not seen such a situation since Kaikoura Hop in September. The important and different point from Kaikoura Hop was they sold beers! I grabbed a beer and loaded fries, and then watched the race. The style of horse race was different from the Japanese one. In Japan, the jockey rides on the horse. But in New Zealand, there is a seat behind  horses, so they have to pull it. I like Japanese style not gonna lie.
I was going to go tomorrow too, but I was satisfied enough today. I'll do some other thing tomorrow.

After dinner, Dawn and Yuya called me. We talked to each other for about 30 minutes. I miss them. To be honest, I can speak  freely and comfortably to them. I have to go to Invercargill before Dawn leaves NZ. Also, my friend in Japan called me right after that. I like calling someone recently. Sharing the latest news and chatting about something is fun. I actually want to talk to my roommates more, but they don't get out of their room not much.

I'm happy that I have one more day off tomorrow!
I would go to Mt. Fyffe if I felt like it.

その代わりというか、起きてすぐWhy Not Cafe行ってコーヒーとシーフードパイを購入しビーチでいただいた。シーフードパイめっちゃ気に入った!シーフードクラムチャウダーが中に入ってる感じ。サーモンパイ食べてみたいんやけど、カイコウラどっかで売ってないかな〜まだ観たことない。

何よりビール売ってたのが素晴らしかった(ほぼそれ目的)。ツマミはLoaded fries。フライドポテトにチーズとベーコン、BBQソースがかかった悪魔的食べ物。後半味濃くて飽きてたな。瓶ビール一本でよく我慢しました!職場で見てて飲んでもたかったStellaにしたけど、ビール史上1番あっさりしてたかもしれん。炭酸水かおもた。いやLoaded friesが味濃かっただけか。これは要再チェックです。


明日もう一日休みなの嬉しすぎるー!競馬は一日で満足したので、明日は他のことしようかな。Mt. Fyffeトライしてみるかな。全ては明日の天気次第。明日は明日の風が吹く!
