

 権威主義的ポピュリズムは、近年人気が高まっている政治イデオロギーです。 これは、国民の意思を代表すると主張する強力な指導者が特徴であり、特定の有権者グループにアピールするために分裂を招くようなレトリックを頻繁に使用します。 このイデオロギーは猫とは無関係に見えるかもしれませんが、この 2 つの間にはいくつかの興味深い類似点があります。

 まず、権威主義的ポピュリストは、自分たちのイデオロギーの象徴として猫をよく使います。 たとえば、ロシアのウラジーミル・プーチン大統領は何度も猫と一緒に写真に撮られており、彼の支持者たちは彼を猫に見立てたミームを作成したことさえあります。 同様に、トルコのレジェップ・タイップ・エルドアン大統領も猫を背景に演説を行うことで知られています。

 これらの指導者は、強さと独立の象徴として猫を使用しており、それは信奉者が体現すべき重要な資質であると信じています。 猫は、自分のことは自分でできる自給自足の動物とみなされています。権威主義的ポピュリストが、自分たちの信奉者は政府や他の機関に頼らずに自分のことは自分でできるべきだと信じているのと同じです。

 しかし、権威主義的なポピュリズムと猫との関係には暗い側面もあります。 一部の指導者は、より深刻な問題から目をそらしたり、世論を操作したりする手段として猫を利用しました。 例えば、2014年にプーチン大統領が経済対応で批判に直面した際、国民の懸念に対処する代わりに、飼い猫と遊ぶ自身の動画を公開しました。

 同様に、エルドアン大統領は、トルコにおける言論の自由と人権侵害に対する弾圧から気を紛らわす方法として、猫と一緒に写った自身の画像を使用してきました。 彼自身も猫好きであるため、猫を呈示することで支持者の目に自分自身のよりポジティブなイメージを作り出し、自分の行動からの批判をそらすことができます。

 権威主義的ポピュリズムと猫とのもう一つの興味深い関係は、メディアにおける両者の描かれ方です。 権威主義的なポピュリストが猫を強さと独立の象徴として使うのと同じように、彼らは自分たちを、大胆な行動をとることを恐れない強力で独立したリーダーであると描写することもよくあります。 同様に、猫は、より大きな動物を恐れずに襲いかかったり、脅威から身を守る獰猛な捕食者としてメディアで描かれることがよくあります。 この猫の描写は、個人にとってもリーダーにとっても、強さと独立性が持つべき重要な資質であるという考えを強化します。

 しかし、権威主義的ポピュリズムと猫との関係に暗い側面があるのと同様に、メディアにおける猫の描写にも暗い側面があります。 猫は、飼い主や他の人間のことを気にしない、よそよそしい、または無感情な生き物として描かれることがよくあります。 この描写は猫に対する否定的な固定観念を強化し、これらの動物の虐待や無視につながる可能性があります。

 このように、一見すると奇妙に思えるかもしれませんが、権威主義的ポピュリズムと猫の間にはいくつかの興味深い関係があります。 どちらも強さと独立の象徴として描かれることが多いですが、これらのつながりには無視すべきではない暗い側面もあります。 他の政治イデオロギーや動物種と同様に、批判的な目でそれらにアプローチし、メディアでの描写のあらゆる側面を考慮することが重要です。








Title: Authoritarian Populism and Cats: A Curious Connection

 Authoritarian populism is a political ideology that has gained popularity in recent years. It is characterized by a strong leader who claims to represent the will of the people and often uses divisive rhetoric to appeal to a particular group of voters. While this ideology may seem unrelated to cats, there are some interesting connections between the two.
 Both phenomena captivate our attention, spark polarized opinions, and have a profound impact on society. This essay explores the underlying connections between authoritarian populism and cats, shedding light on the ways in which they intersect and influence our lives.

Authoritarian populist and cats:
 Firstly, authoritarian populists often use cats as symbols of their ideology. For example, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been photographed with cats on numerous occasions, and his supporters have even created memes featuring him as a cat. Similarly, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been known to give speeches with cats in the background.

 These leaders use cats as symbols of strength and independence, which they believe are important qualities for their followers to embody. Cats are seen as self-sufficient animals that can take care of themselves, much like how authoritarian populists believe their followers should be able to take care of themselves without relying on the government or other institutions.

However, there is also a darker side to this connection between authoritarian populism and cats. Some leaders have used cats as a way to distract from more serious issues or to manipulate public opinion. For example, when Putin was facing criticism for his handling of the economy in 2014, he released a video of himself playing with his cat instead of addressing the concerns of his citizens.

Similarly, Erdogan has used images of himself with cats as a way to distract from his crackdown on free speech and human rights abuses in Turkey. By presenting himself as a cat lover, he is able to create a more positive image of himself in the eyes of his supporters and deflect criticism from his actions.

The portrayal in the media:
 Another interesting connection between authoritarian populism and cats is the way in which they are both portrayed in the media. Just as authoritarian populists use cats as symbols of strength and independence, they also often portray themselves as strong and independent leaders who are not afraid to take bold actions. Similarly, cats are often portrayed in the media as fierce predators who are not afraid to take on larger animals or defend themselves against threats. This portrayal of cats reinforces the idea that strength and independence are important qualities to have, both for individuals and for leaders.

However, just as there is a darker side to the connection between authoritarian populism and cats, there is also a darker side to the portrayal of cats in the media. Cats are often depicted as aloof or unfeeling creatures who do not care about their owners or other humans. This portrayal reinforces negative stereotypes about cats and can lead to mistreatment or neglect of these animals.

In conclusion, while it may seem strange at first glance, there are some interesting connections between authoritarian populism and cats. Both are often portrayed as symbols of strength and independence, but there is also a darker side to these connections that should not be ignored. As with any political ideology or animal species, it is important to approach them with a critical eye and consider all sides of their portrayal in the media.

I will outline the five characteristics below.

  1. Captivating Charisma:
    Authoritarian populist leaders, with their charismatic personalities and ability to captivate audiences, bear a resemblance to cats. Cats possess an innate allure, drawing us in with their mysterious and independent nature. Both authoritarian populists and cats wield a certain magnetism that captures our attention and garners support, regardless of their true intentions or policies.

  2. Cultivating Loyalty:
    Authoritarian populists excel at cultivating a loyal following, much like cats do with their owners. These leaders create a sense of belonging and loyalty among their supporters, tapping into deep-rooted emotions and fears. Similarly, cats forge strong bonds with their human companions, often becoming indispensable members of the family. The connection between loyalty and authority is evident in both scenarios, albeit in different contexts.

  3. Divisiveness and Polarization:
    Authoritarian populism thrives on division and polarization, exploiting societal fault lines for political gain. Cats, too, are often a subject of intense debate among people—some adore their companionship, while others dismiss them as aloof or unnecessary. The presence of cats can polarize communities, mirroring the divisive nature of authoritarian populism, which often pits one group against another, sowing discord within society.

  4. Symbolism and Iconography:
    Symbols and iconography play a significant role in both authoritarian populism and our perception of cats. Populist leaders frequently employ distinct symbols and slogans to rally their supporters and reinforce their message. Similarly, cats have been revered and symbolized in various cultures throughout history, representing qualities like independence, mystery, and intuition. The power of symbolism in shaping public opinion is a shared characteristic between the two.

  5. Unpredictability and Controversy:
    Authoritarian populist movements often defy conventional political norms, adopting unpredictable strategies and promoting controversial policies. Cats, too, exhibit an independent and unpredictable nature, making them a subject of fascination and intrigue. The unpredictable behavior of both authoritarian populism and cats challenges our expectations, provokes debates, and compels us to reassess our understanding of the world.


While seemingly unrelated, the connection between authoritarian populism and cats unveils intriguing parallels that invite contemplation. Both captivate our attention, foster loyalty, and generate controversy and division. They rely on charisma, symbolism, and unpredictability to shape public opinion and influence society. By examining these connections, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities that govern our social and political landscapes. Ultimately, exploring the correlation between authoritarian populism and cats offers insights into the shared human tendencies and dynamics that shape our interactions and collective experiences.

