


※この長文の単語数は 891語 です。

The Life Cycle of Salmon

Salmon are fascinating creatures known for their remarkable life cycle. These fish, found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, undergo one of nature’s most extraordinary journeys. From the moment they are born in freshwater rivers to their long migration to the ocean and eventual return to their birthplace to spawn, the life of a salmon is full of challenges and mysteries. Understanding the life cycle of salmon is crucial not only for environmental conservation but also for maintaining healthy ecosystems.

Born in Freshwater Rivers

Salmon begin their lives in freshwater rivers, where they are born as eggs. After hatching, they remain in the river for several months to a few years, depending on the species. During this time, the young salmon, known as fry, feed on small insects and other organisms. They also go through a process called smoltification, during which their bodies adjust to prepare for life in saltwater. This adaptation is essential for their survival, as it enables them to make the transition from the freshwater environment of the river to the salty ocean.

The Long Migration to the Ocean

Once they are ready, the smolts (young salmon) begin their journey downstream to the ocean. This migration is one of the most perilous parts of their life cycle. Along the way, they must avoid predators such as birds, larger fish, and even humans. For some species, the journey can be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers long, taking them through various environments, including estuaries, where rivers meet the sea. Estuaries are crucial as they provide a safe space for salmon to gradually adjust to saltwater before fully entering the ocean.

Life in the Ocean

After reaching the ocean, salmon spend several years growing and maturing. In the vastness of the ocean, they continue to face dangers from predators such as seals, whales, and larger fish. However, the ocean also provides them with an abundance of food, including smaller fish, plankton, and shrimp. This diet allows them to grow rapidly and prepare for the next stage of their journey.

One of the remarkable traits of salmon is their ability to navigate across vast distances in the ocean. Scientists are still studying how salmon manage to find their way back to the very rivers where they were born. Some researchers believe that salmon use a combination of the Earth’s magnetic field and their sense of smell to navigate. This incredible ability ensures that they can complete their life cycle.

The Return to the River and Spawning

After spending several years in the ocean, salmon instinctively know it is time to return to their birthplace to spawn. The journey back is equally challenging. They swim upstream, often against strong currents, waterfalls, and other obstacles. During this time, they stop eating and focus solely on reaching their spawning grounds. The energy they stored during their time in the ocean sustains them on this final journey.

Upon reaching the river where they were born, salmon begin the process of spawning. The female salmon lays her eggs in gravel beds, while the male fertilizes them. Once this process is complete, both the male and female salmon typically die. Their bodies, however, provide essential nutrients to the river ecosystem, supporting other species such as birds and small mammals.

Environmental Challenges

Salmon face numerous environmental challenges throughout their life cycle. Dams, pollution, and habitat destruction have made it increasingly difficult for salmon to survive. Dams, in particular, block the migration routes of salmon, preventing them from reaching their spawning grounds. Conservation efforts, such as building fish ladders that help salmon bypass dams, have been implemented to mitigate these problems. Additionally, pollution from agriculture and industry can contaminate the rivers where salmon spawn, threatening the health of both the fish and the ecosystem.

Climate change is another significant factor affecting salmon populations. Rising water temperatures can disrupt the delicate balance of their freshwater habitats, making it harder for eggs to survive. In some regions, efforts are being made to protect these habitats by restoring rivers and reducing human impact.

The life cycle of salmon is not only a testament to their resilience but also a reminder of the interconnectedness of ecosystems. Protecting salmon means protecting the health of rivers, oceans, and countless other species that rely on these environments.

Vocabulary and Grammar Points:

  1. Spawn (産卵する) – To produce eggs in water (used especially for fish).

    • Example: "Salmon return to their birthplace to spawn."

  2. Fry (稚魚) – A young, recently hatched fish.

    • Example: "The fry remain in the river for several months before migrating."

  3. Smoltification (スモルト化) – The process by which young salmon adapt to saltwater.

    • Example: "During smoltification, salmon prepare for life in the ocean."

  4. Navigate (航行する、進路を見つける) – To find one’s way, often over long distances.

    • Example: "Salmon navigate back to the rivers where they were born."

  5. Estuary (河口) – The area where a river meets the sea.

    • Example: "Estuaries provide a safe space for salmon to adjust to saltwater."

Questions :

  1. What is smoltification, and why is it important for salmon?

  2. How do estuaries help salmon during their migration?

  3. What challenges do salmon face during their journey to the ocean?

  4. How do salmon find their way back to their birthplace after spending years in the ocean?

  5. What environmental challenges are threatening the survival of salmon populations?

Sample Answers (模範解答):

  1. Smoltification is the process by which young salmon adapt to saltwater. It is important because it allows them to survive the transition from freshwater to the ocean.

  2. Estuaries provide a safe environment where salmon can adjust to saltwater before fully entering the ocean.

  3. Salmon face predators such as birds, larger fish, and humans, as well as long distances and changes in water conditions.

  4. Scientists believe that salmon use a combination of the Earth's magnetic field and their sense of smell to navigate back to their birthplace.

  5. Environmental challenges include dams blocking migration routes, pollution affecting rivers, and rising water temperatures due to climate change.

Japanese Translation (日本語訳):















