リベルのVOCADUO2024感想 Part 1/?? | Liber's VOCADUO2024 Impression
Hello! Thank you for visiting my article. For those of you reading my articles for the first time, as a background, I'm a foreigner who has a lot of passion for Japanese music, however I have no technical music knowledge. As a way to practice my Japanese, I decided to start writing my impressions of different MVs I come across. The articles are written in English originally, and I slowly translate them into Japanese for practice. I apologize if there's any errors or misunderstanding and for the simplicity of my writing.
I normally write about Vtuber MV I liked each month, but this time I felt I had to write about VocaDuo2024. If there was an unspoken rule about how I'm not meant to write about my impressions here, please do let me know, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
Out of all the different music and Vocaloid events during the year, VocaDuo is definitely my favourite one. The combination of singers, producers, and everyone who helps out in the creation of an amazing MV brings us a spectacular amount of art. Based on the official tweet, there was 1998 teams registered. That gives us 1998 unique songs to listen to, with each one very different and distinct from one another. Everyone has their own unique style, voice, and interpretation. It is the best event for a music lover like me, who can experience all these different original songs.
I picked only 10 songs for this article just so that it is easier to digest for the reader. I will write a separate one for Vtuber/Vsinger vocalists, as I feel like the egosurfing culture is slightly different than other musicians. I will also write more in the future as my time allows. The picks aren't ranked or based on anything other than songs I loved and want to write about. I have also included my overall VocaDuo2024 playlist at the end. Of course, all these are just for my own personal music taste, and is not a determination of the quality of music. Every MV from the 1998 teams is a masterpiece in their own way.
1 ディスタントブルー/ Team 『marbles』
A super strong summer song starts my article. Team marble's Distant Blue is one that fits perfectly next to all the great summer songs. For the visuals, you have a beautiful blue sky and cloud in the background which draws your focus. The image of the school girl holding the ramune is so refreshing as if you're drinking the beverage yourself. The MV edits fits along with the rhythm of the song as it goes through its peaks and troughs. tobi's beautiful voice hits hard from the very first note. There's a mixture of beauty, clearness, but also a low huskiness to give it depth. Along with the strong band instrumental, it's a song that invigorates you. It makes you remember the youthful summers you had, where you believed you can do anything. The lyrics are also very beautiful and poetic, as it talks about the fear of change yet finding the courage to face that fear.
2 月待ち / Team 『月を待つ街』
Team "Moon Waiting City" (Sorry for my bad translation) produced a beautiful song called "Moon Waiting" (月待ち). The combination of chirin's beautiful voice and mtrika's piano makes this song a true standout. The song is supposedly a follow up to mtrika's earlier work "Hydrangea" (花の色) which focused on the rain ending, while this song is focused on the day after. It's a different interpretation of summer as its about moving on from the rain, and looking forward to the autumn moon. The beauty in the symbolism is highlighted in the line about yesterday's puddle disappearing, as it's only natural to move on. The whole image and feeling of the song is amplified through the arrangements of the song accompanied by the beautiful MV and illustration. They way they switch between the colors and shadows is a beautiful touch.
3 翠平線の先に / Team『CelesteNote』
A youthful summer song that is filled with imagery of the beach and the water. Team CelesteNote's song reminds me of Orangestar's songs, which is a perfect representation of an exciting summer. Unlike chirin's other VocaDuo2024 song, this one is has a very different style. It gives off a very strong and motivating feeling, rather than one that is a beautiful and melancholic image. The lyrics further emphasize this image by having it be about going forward and chasing after a dream beyond the horizon. What awaits is a treasure more wonderful than you can imagine. The illustration and MV work together wonderfully to further emphasize these images, especially as the girl switches between facing forward and looking back. In the end, this was a song filled with strength and excitement that can motivate you to go after what you want.
4 僕と幽霊花 / Team 『TryGen』
Team TryGen's VocaDuo2024 submission is a hauntingly beautiful song filled with sadness. From the start of the MV, you have the sound and image of a beating heart playing in your mind. Tokita's beautiful vocal was perfect for this song as it was able to carry so many different kinds of emotions. For a song about loss and regret, the vocals just clings to my soul with a lasting image as the listener like a ghost flower. Despite my poor Japanese levels, I can understand that the word choices in the lyrics contain beautiful metaphors as well. The line about tears being unending nightmares rolling down the cheek hits especially hard. The high and low range vocals, along with the distorted vocals in the middle, every note of the song sounds so beautiful and packed with feeling. The MV and illustration is also a masterpiece on its own. It perfectly aligns with the story of the lyrics, with the climax at the last chorus and verse.
5 心の傷にこの歌を / Team『コナクスリ』
コナクスリは心についての曲を提供してくれましたが、この曲は薬のように 心を癒すためのものです。コナクスリは特別な存在で、VocaDuo2023で彼らを発見し、一目惚れしました。この曲を聴くと、美しさに涙がこぼれます。riroxさんと三角コナさんが作る音楽は、歌詞から作曲まで、全てが深い思考と感情に満ちていて、とても特別に感じます。この曲は特に「癒し」についてです。悲しみや困難な時に慰められることをテーマにしています。最近の私の心の痛みにぴったりの曲で、本当に私にとっての癒しです。これらの言葉とサポートを伝える究極のバラードで、本当に感謝しています。
Team KonaKusuri gave us a song about the heart as well, but its one that is meant to heal the heart like a medicine. KonaKusuri holds a special place in my heart though, as I discovered them for VocaDuo2023 and fell in love. Listening to this song brings a tear to my eye as it is so beautiful. Rirox and Kona are very amazing in the music they create, from the lyrics to the composition, everything is filled with a lot of thought and feeling that makes it feel very special. This song in particular is all about comfort. To be comforted in our moments of sadness and hardship. It's a fitting song for the heartaches I have recently, and this song really is a comfort for me. The ultimate ballad to convey those words and support, I'm truly thankful.
6 追懐 / Team『Linaria』
Team Linaria's song is a beautiful love song filled with images of early summer and youth. The song feels has hints of HoneyWorks style as it's lyrics are composed of the inner monologues of a person in love. It describes their recollection of time spent together and the wonderful emotions that are attached to that. The acoustic guitar and Mihane's beautiful voice work together wonderfully to create this refreshing feeling of innocent love. The MV is also beautifully made, with the flower field in the background and the two lovers as the focus in the middle. The shyness of the girl looking away, and the admiration of the guy who has the prettiest view in sight.
7 愛してやまない×愛だけでいい / Team『春の雨に傘を』
Team "Umbrellas in the Spring Rain" (春の雨に傘を) gave us two wonderful songs, "愛してやまない" and "愛だけでいい". On their own, they are already amazing. However, the team is such genius, they allow the two songs to be combined into a single song called "愛してやまない×愛だけでいい". From combining the two sides, we find ourselves with a masterpiece. It's a conversation between two people, rather than a solo lament and monologue. The mutual love for each other really is a beautiful moment portrayed in the song. The team, with koharu's beautiful vocals, Tota's emotional music, and Uru's deep lyrics, produced a song that I will definitely listen to repeatedly.
8 Door in the fake / Team『 crown 』
チーム「crown」の「door in the fake」は私を驚かせました。とてもクールな曲で、最初のインパクトは非常に強い印象を残します。₁₀₄は₆番線さんの独特な声は、ボーカルだけでも非常に際立っていました。omiさんの音楽と組み合わさることで、イントロの短い強いシラブルの爆発が強い印象を残しました。少し歪んだ感じのミックスが、この曲が目指すクールでミステリアスな雰囲気をさらに引き立てています。イラストとMVもこのミステリアスな感じを増幅させていますが、全体的に非常にクールなルックを保っています。速いビートの完全なパッケージは、このダークでクールな音楽ジャンルが好きな人には間違いなく目立つものです。
Team crown's "door in the fake" caught me by surprise. It's such a cool song with a very impactful opening. ₁₀₄は₆番線 has such a unique voice that the vocals on its own stood out to me a lot. Combined with the music of omi, the intro made a lasting impression with its short burst of strong syllables. The additional mix to make it a bit distorted adds to this cool and mysterious atmosphere the song is going for. The illustration and MV adds to this mysterious feeling, but it maintains this very cool look to the whole song. The complete package with its fast pace beats is definitely a standout for anyone who likes this dark and cool genre of music.
9 Kanata / Team 『イキイキ社畜組合』
Team "Lively Corporate Slave Union" (イキイキ社畜組合) produced a very fun and upbeat song called Kanata. It's a song that is very easy to loop infinitely because of its chill and laidback atmosphere. Just like the MV of the bunny (?) infinitely on a stroll, I feel like I can just let my mind be at ease as I walk without a destination in mind. However, beyond the music, the lyrics of the song is one of love, connection, and life. To take a stroll to somewhere far away with your hands clasped together. To stay close to each other and support one another if they're tired or down. It's a wonderful song with a cute MV that lifts my mood when I listen to it.
10 らんだーらんど / Team りるみに
A very cute song from Team Rirumini accompanied by a wonderfully cute MV. With the image of a video game, it's filled with positive energy that goes along with the upbeat and catchy tune. Combining the music, vocals, and MV, it gives you a very refreshed feeling. This is amplified through the lyrics which really cheers on the listener to continue through any obstacles. The drop in the middle, in terms of music and the MV, was the highlight for me. They incorporated various elements to show that a 'game over' is really just another opportunity to find new treasures.
Thank you for visiting my article on my VocaDuo2024 impressions. Apologies if there were any errors, or if the writing is too simple. There were just so many wonderful musicians, and I do wish I had better ways to convey how much they mean to me. If you read through all the impressions, thank you very much for your patience. You are also a wonderful person.
I hope to write more in the future since there were so many great songs, but I'll have to see if I can have more diversity in my writing. My next priority is to write impression on Vtuber vocals in VocaDuo2024.
In the meantime, please find below my overall playlist for VocaDuo2024.
I hope you all have a wonderful time.