#2022年上半期Vtuber楽曲10選 Liber(リベル)選択

Hello! I wanted to write about my top 10 songs for the first half of 2022, which was inspired by a post below. The Japanese parts are largely translated through DEEPL, but the English is written by me directly.

Original post from the planner (Japanese)

It's difficult to only choose 10 songs, so I have limited myself to the following:
-1 song per singer
-Original songs only

1.それでもまた朝がくる / YMBK Public Works

夢羽九とYMBK Public worksが一緒になって、とても面白くてクールな曲を作りました。

Yumeba Ku and YMBK Public works combined together to create a really interesting and cool song. Split into 4 parts I love how you can hear the different styles from each person and how they mixes with Ku's voice into a very unique song.

2.統合失調ギャラクシーガール / UMINARI


On top of the top level MV, UMINARU with the composer and support created a very hype rock song that tells a very interesting story. The instrumental suits Utsutsu's voice without overpowering it, allowing for a very smooth song. It has a chill feeling despite all the heavy sounds and fast pace.

3. ばいばい、テディベア / HACHI


Hachi's amazing vocal shows in all the songs she sings. Bye Bye Teddy Bear is a bit different from her usual unique strength in singing a powerful ballad. Instead, its a slower and softer song that's very emotional, with a very relatable lyrics. 

4.ソラゴト / 明透


Asu's original with Police Picaddily is my most looped song this year so far. It's very relaxing, and doesn't feel tiring to listen as BGM. Like the MV, it does have a vibe of just relaxing on a train or subway while you're in commute. The peaks and troughs of the song shows a different feeling and vibe to the song keeping it fresh.

5. 異世界うぇあ / 長瀬有花


Yuka has a very unique atmosphere and worldview. The song suits her very well by being 'unique' and playful at the same time. It starts off in a slow pace like the usual Yuka, but the chorus has this upbeat tune to it that I really love.

6. 灼傷 / 紲凪いろ


Iro's song for her graduation has this bittersweet feeling with a powerful strength that tells you things would be okay. The lyrics really describe everyone's feeling about the graduation, where you think things would last forever but doesn't. The song switches between her clear powerful singing, with her whispery voice that sounds very amazing.

7. 乾いた心はこの雨に / 跳亜

跳亜のオリジナルは、傘村トータが編曲ので、Sinsekai の家族へのとても美しい歌でした。

TOBIA's original that was arranged by Tota was a very beautiful song to the Sinsekai family. The slow ballad mixed with Piano creates a very beautiful image in the rain, and is able to convey that feeling of sadness and sorrow very well.

8. セイノカクリツ / NoWorld


NoWorld's NoiR is an amazing pianist, with a very unique and ethereal voice that goes along with it. Her original song fits her perfectly, as it's powerful, enchanting, and yet dark at times. The ballad seems to be soft and slow, but it still hits you very hard with its powerful lyrics and sounds. This is especially shown in the chorus when she uses English lyrics to convey an entirely different feeling.

9. よふかしトリップ (feat. picoco) / Toccoyaki


Super cute song by the picoco duo and Toccoyaki, with an amazing MV to go along with it. The song is very relaxing and sweet, and is structured like a conversation between the two. 

10.僕らだけの色 / 橙里セイ


Sei Touri is very multitalented, creating all parts of her original except the animation by herself. Her knowledge of music is really astounding, from the arrangement to the lyrics, everything fits her so well. Her voice is also strong and uniquely her without hints of any errors. The whole song is Sei showing off her amazing strength, and fills you motivated.

If you have read this far, thank you all very much for reading my thoughts. Hope to see you all again in 6 months.
