2024 ハワイ記 ~ vol.2
Tabi is something like Japanese socks, we wear with zouri, and geta but it's thicker then socks. It is worn when we are in kimono, or yukata. With zouri or geta, we don't wear shoes, we don't cover our feet with shoes. (There are a lot of people who like to wear shoes with kimono as fashion.) There is also water-proof tabi, worn on rainy or snow days.
マウナケア、ハワイ諸島最高峰、4,207mの山。今回のハワイ旅にはふたつの大きな予定があり、ひとつは King David Kalakauaのお誕生祭、E Mau Ana Ka Hulaでフラを踊らせていただく、もうひとつはKumuとマウナケア山頂で奉納舞をすること。
Mauna Kea, the highest mountain in Hawaii islands, it's 4,207m high.
There were 2 big plas in this trip, one is to hula in E Mau Ana Ka Hula, tribute to King David Kalakaua, and another is to hula for goddess, Waiau, Lilinoe and Poliahu on top of Mauna Kea.
I only wear shoes when I work. Usually I wear something like zouri, called "Misatokko", it's like Japanese beach sandals. I feel uncomfortable covering my feet with shoes. I decided to get myself a pair of water-proof tabi when I got to know we were going to hula on the 4 thousand meters mountain top.
It was cold where we stayed a night before. Someone said it may have snowed on the mountain top. I was worried a bit about my foot wear, but I felt it was going to be OK.
2010年 ハネムーンでハワイ島へ行った。まだフラもアウトリガーカヌーもやっていない、もやしっこ会社員時代。マウナケア山頂へ行ったけどフラフラして車から出られなかった。
I visited Mauna Kea on my honeymoon in 2010. I wasn't using my body, no hula, no paddling, I was just working for a factory everyday. I felt dizzy on the mountain top and could not come out from the car.
踊る当日、わたしたちの車を運転してくれたのは太公望というツアー会社のEmmyさん。Mauna Keaが大好きな女性💟わたしは助手席に座ることになりEmmyさんといっぱい喋りながら、みんなにも山のはなしをいっぱいしてくれて、「水を飲んで、寝ないで、ゆっくり呼吸して~」とアドバイスをもらいながら車で山を登った。
Our car was driven by Emmy san, a lady from the tour company Taikobo, which has strong connection with Kumu, and who loves Mauna Kea. I sat next to the driver's seat. We chatted a lot, she told us a lot about Mauna Kea. She advised us to take a lot of water, not to fall sleep, and breath deeply as we went up.
At 2,804m high, there's Onizuka information center. All visitors are required to rest here to get used to the height. At this point, the road going up to the top was closed due to the icy road. We picniced here and had lunch. Here, there was a misunderstanding between me and another person. The road opened and we headed to the top. I could not stop crying, first I was sad about what happened, then it became tears to face myself. I was recalling about my marriage 14 years ago, the joy to deliver my son to this world with my husband, the relationship not loving each other with him after that, allowed myself to dance, started hula and now I was at Mauna Kea with my hula sisters and kumu… It was necessary to face myself and be at the center of me before dancing in front of the Goddess on top of the mountain.
頂上に着いて、柵に氷がのこる中 Kumu、スイスグループ、日本からの3グループで順番にチャントをしてleiを捧げ、3か所でみんないっしょにhulaを捧げた。地球上とは思えぬ空氣。わたしはみさとっこをぬいで白足袋の上に撥水足袋で踊らせていただいた。しっかり地面を感じることができた。山の存在感に圧倒する忘れられない瞬間。
We arrived the mountain top. There were still ice on the fences. Kumu, a group from Swiss, and 3 groups from Japan presented lei, chanted and danced hula together in 3 locations to 3 Goddesses. I took off my Misatokko and danced in my water-proof tabi over white cotton tabi. It enabled me to feel the mountain. Overwhelmed, unforgettable moment.